@article{fdi:010084612, title = {{I}nter-annual variability of the along-shore lagrangian transport success in the {S}outhern {B}enguela current upwelling system}, author = {{R}agoasha, {M}. {N}. and {H}erbette, {S}. and {V}eitch, {J}. and {C}ambon, {G}ildas and {R}eason, {C}. {J}. {C}. and {R}oy, {C}laude}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} 3-km resolution regional ocean model is used to investigate the role of wind-driven coastal circulation and mesoscale variability on the inter-annual variability of transport success in the southern {B}enguela between {C}ape {P}oint (34 degrees {S}) and {S}t {H}elena {B}ay (32 degrees {S}) from 1992 to 2011. {L}agrangian particles are released within the top 100 m of the water column along an across-shore transect off {C}ape {P}oint. {T}ransport success is given by the ratio of the number of particles that reach {S}t {H}elena {B}ay over the total number of particles released. {T}he analysis of transport success anomalies and their relationship with the local circulation and wind forcing reveal that there is no single driver of the inter-annual variability. {T}he transport success variability of particles released on the shelf (depths <300 m) mainly depends on their capacity to remain embedded within the coastal {B}enguela {J}et. {N}evertheless, peaks in offshore {E}kman transport and episodic occurrence of a poleward inner-shelf counter-current contribute to negative anomalies. {F}or particles released on the outer shelf edge (depths >500 m), across-shore transports induced by mesoscale eddies are the main contributors to transport success variability. {R}are passage of {A}gulhas rings near the shelf edge can induce strong offshore advection of particles into the open ocean. {I}n contrast, shelf-edge cyclonic eddies favor the onshore transport of particles originating from the outer shelf edge and thus contribute to increasing transport success.}, keywords = {along-shore connectivity ; {B}enguela upwelling system ; fine-scale ocean ; circulation model ; interannual variability ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {BENGUELA} {COURANT}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch : {O}ceans}, volume = {127}, numero = {3}, pages = {e2020{JC}017114 [25 ]}, ISSN = {2169-9275}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1029/2020jc017114}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084612}, }