@article{fdi:010084544, title = {{M}onoculture and co-culture tests of the toxicity of four typical herbicides on growth, photosynthesis and oxidative stress responses of the marine diatoms {P}seudo-nitzschia mannii and {C}haetoceros decipiens}, author = {{S}ahraoui, {I}. and {B}en {G}arali, {S}. {M}. and {C}hakroun, {Z}. and {G}onzalez, {C}. and {P}ringault, {O}livier and {H}laili, {A}. {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he toxicity of four herbicides in mixture (alachlor, diuron, des-isopropyl-atrazine and simazine) on the growth and the photosynthesis parameters of two marine diatoms {P}seudo-niszchia mannii and {C}haetoceros decipiens have been investigated for 9 days in monoculture and co-culture tests. {T}he catalase ({CAT}) and guaiacol peroxidase ({GPX}) were also monitored to assess the oxidative stress response. {I}n single-species assays, while both species displayed no affected instantaneous growth rate by herbicides, their physiological responses were different. {C}hl a content of {P}. mannii significantly decreased upon herbicide exposure, due probably to pigment destruction or inhibition of their synthesis. {T}his decrease was associated with a reduction in the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters ({ABS}(0)/{RC}, {TR}0/{RC}, {ET}0/{RC} and {DI}0/{RC}). {I}n contrast, {C}. decipiens maintained an effective photosynthetic performance under herbicide exposure, as {C}hl a per cell content and the specific energy fluxes per reaction center remained unchanged relative to control values. {GPX} activity was significantly higher in contaminated {P}. mannii and {C}. decipiens monocultures than in controls at early herbicide exposure (1 day), whereas a significant induction of {CAT} activity occurred later (from day 3 for {C}. decipiens and at day 9 for {P}. mannii) in response to herbicides. {I}n control co-culture, {P}. mannii was eliminated by {C}. decipiens. {A}s observed in the monoculture, the herbicides did not affect the photosynthetic performance of {C}. decipiens in co-culture, but significantly reduced its instantaneous growth rate. {T}he oxidative stress response in co-culture has similar trends to that of {C}. decipiens in monoculture, but the interspecies competition likely resulted in higher {CAT} activity under herbicide exposure. {R}esults of this study suggest that herbicide toxicity for marine diatoms might be amplified by interspecies interactions in natural communities, which might lead to different physiological and growth responses.}, keywords = {{D}iatom ; {H}erbicide ; {G}rowth ; {P}hotosynthesis ; {A}ntioxidant enzyme activity ; {TUNISIE} ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {BIZERTE} {LAGUNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cotoxicology}, volume = {[{E}arly access]}, numero = {}, pages = {[14 p.]}, ISSN = {0963-9292}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1007/s10646-022-02535-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084544}, }