@article{fdi:010084219, title = {{A}nthropogenic fibres in white clams, {M}eretrix lyrata, cultivated downstream a developing megacity, {H}o {C}hi {M}inh {C}ity, {V}iet {N}am}, author = {{K}ieu-{L}e, {T}. {C}. and {T}ran, {Q}. {V}. and {T}ruong, {T}. {N}. {S}. and {S}trady, {E}milie}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}nthropogenic fibres are an emerging pollutant worldwide. {T}he {C}an {G}io mangrove area is located downstream of the {S}aigon {R}iver, and is characterised by high level of anthropogenic fibres originating from domestic and industrial textile and apparel manufacturing. {I}n this area, biota is thus subjected to a high potential risk of anthropogenic fibre contamination. {T}his study aims to characterise the accumulation of anthropogenic fibres in different tissues, i.e. gills, digestive systems, and remaining tissues, of white clams ({M}eretrix lyrata) cultivated in the {C}an {G}io beach sand, during a seven-month sampling period. {T}he results showed an average concentration of 3.6 +/- 2.1 fibres individual-1 or 2.7 +/- 2.4 fibres g-1 ww. {H}igher fibre accumulation was observed in remaining tissues than in gills and digestive systems, and no temporal variation was observed in all clam tissues. {T}he intake of fibres by humans consuming clams was estimated to be 324 fibres inhabitant-1 yr- 1.}, keywords = {{M}icroplastic ; {B}ivalve ; {S}aigon {R}iver ; {C}an {G}io mangrove ; {VIET} {NAM} ; {HO} {CHI} {MINH} {VILLE} ; {SAIGON} {COURS} {D}'{EAU} ; {CAN} {GIO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {P}ollution {B}ulletin}, volume = {174}, numero = {}, pages = {113302 [10 ]}, ISSN = {0025-326{X}}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.113302}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084219}, }