@article{fdi:010084208, title = {{T}he rhizosphere of {S}ulla spinosissima growing in abandoned mining soils is a reservoir of heavy metals tolerant plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria}, author = {{O}ubohssaine, {M}. and {D}ahmani, {I}. and {S}babou, {L}. and {B}runeel, {O}dile and {A}urag, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{H}eavy metals tolerant soil bacteria are known to play essential roles in biogeochemical cycles, biotransformation of metals, bioremediation processes and, plant adaptation. {T}he objective of this study was to isolate and characterize the bacterial strains associated with {S}ulla spinosissima, a native legume species growing in three abandoned mining sites situated in the {O}ujda region ({E}ast {M}orocco). {G}lobally, more than 370 bulk and rhizospheric soil bacteria were isolated. {T}heir identification by 16{S} r{DNA} sequencing showed that dominant phyla were {F}irmicutes, {A}ctinobacteria, and {P}roteobacteria, while at the genus level {B}acillus dominated, followed by {S}tenotrophomonas, {A}rthrobacter, and {R}hodococcus. {A}ll the soils contained strains possessing plant growth-promoting traits. {T}he best-performing strains were {LMR}283 for auxin production (145 mu g m{L}(-1)), {LMR}291 for phosphate solubilization (67.6 mg {L}-1), {LMR}280 for siderophore production (92.4%) and {LMR}326 for {ACC} deaminase activity (105 nmo{L} alpha-ketobutyrate mg(-1) h(-1)). {A}mong tolerant {PGP} bacteria, 17 isolates showed antagonistic activity against the pathogen {F}usarium oxysporum and 26 produced lytic enzymes. {I}t was relevant that the rhizospheric soils prospected compared to bulk soils contained more interesting isolates for all the studied properties, in particular for soils sampled from {O}ued {E}l {H}eimer and {S}idi {B}oubker sites (respectively 79 and 63% of performing strains). {D}ata presented here indicate that {S}ulla spinosissima growing in heavy metal soils is associated with multifarious active bacterial populations that probably sustain plant tolerance and growth under the prevailing stressful conditions. {S}uperior strains identified are good candidates to be used with selected plants in rehabilitation programs in the contaminated ecosystems.}, keywords = {{F} 010084208 ; {A}bandoned mining site ; {C}ultivable bacteria ; {S}ulla spinosissima ; rhizosphere ; {PGP} traits ; {A}ntifungal activity ; {H}eavy metal tolerance ; {MAROC} ; {OUJDA} {REGION}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iocatalysis and {A}gricultural {B}iotechnology}, volume = {39}, numero = {}, pages = {102236 [16 ]}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.bcab.2021.102236}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084208}, }