@article{fdi:010083847, title = {{L}'offre de boissons, de produits laitiers frais et de biscuits est-elle vraiment plus sucr{\'e}e aux {A}ntilles qu'en {F}rance hexagonale ?}, author = {{S}oler, {L}. {G}. and {E}ymard-{D}uvernay, {S}abrina and {R}ollet, {P}. and {D}ucrot, {A}. and {T}errieux, {P}. and {K}urtz, {A}. and {M}ejean, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{I}n line with the debates that led to the enactment of the {L}urel {L}aw in 2013, our study assesses the nutritional quality of products, through their sugar content, for a large part of the food supply available in the {F}rench {W}est {I}ndies and compares this food supply with those in mainland {F}rance. {T}he analysis focuses on three product sectors - sweetened beverages, fresh dairy products, biscuits and cakes - which are the largest contributors to the sugar intake in populations of {M}artinique and {G}uadeloupe. {I}n overall, for the 3 sectors studied, the food supply available in the {F}rench {W}est {I}ndies slightly differs from that observed in mainland {F}rance. {O}n average, the sugar contents are comparable, both for the sector of sweetened beverages (5% different on average) and for the sector of biscuits and cakes. {T}he sector of fresh dairy products stands out more strongly with an average sugar content of 15% higher than those in mainland {F}rance. {N}evertheless, for some product groups, which can be widely consumed, variations in sugar content are likely to have an impact on consumers' sugar intake. {C}arbonated and non-carbonated fruit drinks, lemonades, creamy desserts, fresh cheeses and sweetened yogurts, which represent groups with a large number of references available (suggesting high levels of consumption), have higher sugar contents in the {F}rench {W}est {I}ndies than in mainland {F}rance. {W}hile these differences clearly appear and should not be underestimated, the results lead to qualify the idea that the nutritional quality of the food supply available in the {F}rench {W}est {I}ndies would be a major determinant of higher sugar intakes compared to mainland {F}rance. {T}he effect due to the quantities consumed is at least as important as those due to the observed differences in sugar content.}, keywords = {{W}est {I}ndies ; {S}ugar content ; {S}oft-drinks ; {F}resh dairy products ; {C}ookies ; {FRANCE} ; {ANTILLES} ; {MARTINIQUE} ; {GUADELOUPE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ahiers de {N}utrition et de {D}i{\'e}t{\'e}tique}, volume = {56}, numero = {6}, pages = {350--359}, ISSN = {0007-9960}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1016/j.cnd.2021.08.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083847}, }