@article{fdi:010083798, title = {{F}unctional feeding groups of macrofauna and detritus decomposition along a gradient of glacial meltwater influence in tropical high-{A}ndean streams}, author = {{A}ndino, {P}. and {E}spinosa, {R}. and {C}respo-{P}erez, {V}. and {C}auvy-{F}raunie, {S}. and {D}angles, {O}livier and {J}acobsen, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}ropical {A}ndean glaciers are retreating rapidly, with possible consequences for trophic structure and ecosystem processes in high {A}ndean meltwater streams. {H}ere, we measured the environmental characteristics, quantified pools of particulate organic matter ({POM}) and periphyton ({C}hl. a), sampled benthic macroinvertebrates, determined functional feeding groups ({FFG}), and performed mesh bag decomposition experiments with {C}alamagrostis grass detritus at 17 stream sites along a gradient of glacial influence ({GI}) with 0-23% glacier cover in the catchment at 4050-4200 m a.s.l. in the {A}ndes of {E}cuador. {POM} was unrelated to {GI} while {C}hl. a. showed a weak (non-significant) negative relationship to {GI}. {T}he macrofauna abundance decreased while taxon richness and the number of {FFG}s per site showed a hump-shaped relationship with increasing {GI}. {T}axa with an opportunistic and generalist feeding mode generally dominated benthic assemblages and were related to high {GI} levels and low {C}hl. a. {O}nly shredders were negatively related to {GI}, but unrelated to {POM}. {D}ecomposition rates were comparable to those found in temperate alpine streams, and for both fine (0.0010-0.0065; median 0.0028 d(-1)) and coarse (0.0019-0.0088; median 0.0048 d(-1)) mesh bags, peaked at intermediate {GI} values, while the difference between bag types was small and almost constant along the {GI} gradient. {T}his indicates an overall minor effect of macroinvertebrate shredders compared to that of microbes, in particular at high {GI}. {I}t also suggests that the relatively high average temperature of these high-altitude equatorial streams (7-10 & {DEG};{C}) does not produce higher decomposition rates than those in comparable but colder streams at temperate latitudes. {T}he results suggest that, at the lower end of glacier cover, tropical glacier loss will not change the dominant microbial role in detritus decomposition, but that part of the physical abrasion could be partially replaced by biological shredding.}, keywords = {{A}ndes ; tropical alpine streams ; glacier influence ; glacial retreat ; benthic fauna ; macroinvertebrates ; functional feeding groups ; decomposition ; {EQUATEUR} ; {ANDES} ; {ANTISANA} {VOLCAN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{W}ater}, volume = {13}, numero = {22}, pages = {3303 [16 ]}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.3390/w13223303}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083798}, }