@incollection{fdi:010083438, title = {{D}akar by night : engaging with a cosmopolitanism by contrast}, author = {{F}ouquet, {T}homas}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}rawing on 20 years of anthropological research in {D}akar, this study aims at bringing to light some ways of being-in-town that organize towards desires for being-in-the-world. {I}t relies on a simple and yet substantial premise: a very large number of urban {S}enegalese youths express a strong willingness to move {N}orth, or {W}est, while only a small minority is able to achieve such an expectation. {T}he questioning focuses on those who actually stay, but whose modes of sticking here are deeply influenced by their longings for a larger world. {S}uch configurations can be understood through the concrete urban cosmopolitan experiences they convey, which rely on inherently relational terms, that is: being cosmopolitan "rather than...", citizen of the world "rather than...", and so on. {T}his relative, relational and contrastive cosmopolitanism emerges in the wake of constant non-travelers' paths into the city, as compared to "frequent travelers" moving around the world. {E}mpirically, these issues are addressed from the standpoint of the contrasted uses of urban temporalities, the nocturnal one in particular. {T}he {D}akar-by-night is thus engaged as a scene revealing the cosmopolitical dynamics that inhabit, cross or impregnate the metropolis.}, keywords = {{SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {{M}igration, urbanity and cosmopolitanism in a globalized world}, numero = {}, pages = {41--53}, address = {{C}ham}, publisher = {{S}pringer}, series = {{IMISCOE} {R}esearch {S}eries}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-030-67365-9_4}, ISBN = {978-3-030-67367-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083438}, }