@article{fdi:010083376, title = {{D}esigning coastal adaptation strategies to tackle sea level rise}, author = {{L}ebbe, {T}. {B}. and {R}ey-{V}alette, {H}. and {C}haumillon, {E}. and {C}amus, {G}. and {A}lmar, {R}afa{\¨e}l and {C}azenave, {A}. and {C}laudet, {J}. and {R}ocle, {N}. and {M}eur-{F}erec, {C}. and {V}iard, {F}. and {M}ercier, {D}. and {D}upuy, {C}. and {M}{\'e}nard, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {R}ossel, {B}. {A}. and {M}ullineaux, {L}. and {S}icre, {M}. {A}. and {Z}ivian, {A}. and {G}aill, {F}. and {E}uzen, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}aced with sea level rise and the intensification of extreme events, human populations living on the coasts are developing responses to address local situations. {A} synthesis of the literature on responses to coastal adaptation allows us to highlight different adaptation strategies. {H}ere, we analyze these strategies according to the complexity of their implementation, both institutionally and technically. {F}irst, we distinguish two opposing paradigms - fighting against rising sea levels or adapting to new climatic conditions; and second, we observe the level of integrated management of the strategies. {T}his typology allows a distinction between four archetypes with the most commonly associated governance modalities for each. {W}e then underline the need for hybrid approaches and adaptation trajectories over time to take into account local socio-cultural, geographical, and climatic conditions as well as to integrate stakeholders in the design and implementation of responses. {W}e show that dynamic and participatory policies can foster collective learning processes and enable the evolution of social values and behaviors. {F}inally, adaptation policies rely on knowledge and participatory engagement, multi-scalar governance, policy monitoring, and territorial solidarity. {T}hese conditions are especially relevant for densely populated areas that will be confronted with sea level rise, thus for coastal cities in particular.}, keywords = {climate change ; sea level rise ; adaptation ; governance ; nature-based solutions ; multidisciplinary approach ; vulnerability ; coastal cities ; {TACKLE} {MER}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {M}arine {S}cience}, volume = {8}, numero = {}, pages = {740602 [13 ]}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.3389/fmars.2021.740602}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083376}, }