@article{fdi:010083258, title = {{S}ources and main controls of dissolved organic and inorganic carbon in river basins : a worldwide meta-analysis}, author = {{C}haplot, {V}incent and {M}utema, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}espite dissolved carbon ({C}) exports from continents being crucial in the connection between terrestrial, atmospheric and oceanic {C} pools, the relative contribution and process controls on dissolved organic ({DOC}) and inorganic ({DIC}) fluxes within river basins are not fully understood. {T}his paper presents an analysis of data from 843 sites worldwide from 45 {W}eb of {S}cience {SCI}-{E}xpanded (ex {ISI}) indexed papers that report both the {DOC} and {DIC} contents and fluxes in conjunction with chemical elements, such as {S}i, {N}a and {C}-13 abundance, to investigate the likely origin, pathways and fate of the dissolved {C}. {T}he reviewed papers also report on selected environmental factors (e.g., {MAP} and {MAT}: mean annual precipitation and temperature respectively; {C}limate, {LU}: land use, {A}: basin surface area). {R}egarding dissolved {C} fluxes rivers transported on average, 8.4 {GT} {C} yr(-1) of dissolved {C} with 7.7 {GT} {C} yr(-1) (92%) being {DIC} and remaining (8%) {DOC}. {A}sia has the highest within-river dissolved {C} transport (5.8 {GT} {C} yr(-1)) followed by {E}urope (2.0 {GT} {C} yr(-1)), {A}merica (0.4 {GT} {C} yr(-1)), and {A}frica (0.1 {GT} {C} yr(-1)). {T}he dissolved {C} fluxes tend to increase with river water fluxes and contribution of interflow as seen in the tropical climate, which results in the export of relatively fresh {DOC} with low aromaticity. {I}n contrast, the lower river water fluxes in sub-tropical and temperate climates corresponds to high concentration of comparatively more decomposed {DOC}, which pointed to a high proportion of groundwater contribution to the water fluxes. {T}he results also imply that surface area and morphology of the river basins, as well as land use, has insignificant impact on dissolved {C} dynamics. {S}uch quantitative results, including on the important role of climate on the dynamics of dissolved {C} in river basins, are helpful in improving predictions on the impact of climate change on the global {C} cycle. {N}ew and innovative multidisciplinary research on the subject is called for.}, keywords = {{C} erosion ; {D}issolved {C} ; {G}lobal {C} cycle ; {R}iver water fluxes ; {MONDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}ydrology}, volume = {603}, numero = {{B}}, pages = {126941 [11 p.]}, ISSN = {0022-1694}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126941}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010083258}, }