@incollection{fdi:010082933, title = {{M}id-holocene climate of tropical {S}outh {A}merica : a model-data approach}, author = {{S}ilva {D}ias, {P}.{L}. and {T}urcq, {B}runo and {S}ilva {D}ias, {M}.{A}.{F}.{S}. and {B}raconnot, {P}. and {J}orgetti, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}ost of the {E}arly and mid-{H}olocene paleoclimate studies in tropical {S}outh {A}merica indicate a drier climate in {A}mazon and {S}outheast {B}razil and a wetter climate in {V}enezuela. {T}his pattern has been interpreted as a northward migration of the {I}ntertropical {C}onvergence {Z}one ({ITCZ}) due to insolation changes explained by {M}ilancovitch cycles. {W}e show how model simulations and model-data comparisons can help to investigate further the reason of these changes by considering the mid-{H}olocene period (6 ka). {T}he insolation effect and the vegetation interaction on the seasonal cycle are explored with emphasis on the regional impact on precipitation and on the atmospheric circulation. {A} major feature of the mean mid-{H}olocene simulated climate is indeed the decrease of the rainfall in the {S}outh {A}tlantic {C}onvergence {Z}one ({SACZ}) region compared to present day, which is confirmed by the proxy data. {H}owever, the {ITCZ} migrates southward during the {S}outhern {H}emisphere summer thus enhancing the precipitation in {N}ortheast {B}razil. {T}he {SACZ} and {ITCZ} displacements are enhanced by the vegetation feedback. {T}he analysis of the transient meridional heat transport and of the baroclinicity of the model climate suggests more intense winter and early spring cold outbreaks in the central region of {S}outh {A}merica, which seems in agreement with paleoclimate proxies.}, keywords = {{AMAZONIE} ; {COLOMBIE} ; {VENEZUELA} ; {BRESIL} ; {BOLIVIE} ; {PARAGUAY} ; {URUGUAY} ; {ARGENTINE} ; {ANDES} ; {AMERIQUE} {DU} {SUD} ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {ALTIPLANO}}, booktitle = {{P}ast climate variability in {S}outh {A}merica and surrounding regions : from the last glacial maximum to the {H}olocene}, numero = {14}, pages = {259--281}, address = {[{D}ordrecht]}, publisher = {{S}pringer}, series = {{D}evelopments in {P}aleoenvironmental {R}esearch}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1007/978-90-481-2672-9_11}, ISBN = {978-90-481-2671-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010082933}, }