@article{fdi:010082451, title = {{A}n updated infra-familial classification of {S}apindaceae based on targeted enrichment data [+ {C}orrigendum, 2 p.]}, author = {{B}uerki, {S}. and {C}allmander, {M}.{W}. and {A}cevedo-{R}odriguez, {P}. and {L}owry {II}, {P}.{P}. and {M}unzinger, {J}{\'e}r{\^o}me and {B}ailey, {P}. and {M}aurin, {O}. and {B}rewer {G}.{E}. and {E}pitawalage, {N}. and {B}aker, {W}.{J}. and {F}orest, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{PREMISE}: {T}he economically important, cosmopolitan soapberry family ({S}apindaceae) comprises ca. 1900 species in 144 genera. {S}ince the seminal work of {R}adlkofer, several authors have attempted to overcome challenges presented by the family's complex infra-familial classification. {W}ith the advent of molecular systematics, revisions of the various proposed groupings have provided significant momentum, but we still lack a formal classification system rooted in an evolutionary framework. {METHODS}: {N}uclear {DNA} sequence data were generated for 123 genera (86%) of {S}apindaceae using target sequence capture with the {A}ngiosperms353 universal probe set. {H}yb{P}iper was used to produce aligned {DNA} matrices. {P}hylogenetic inferences were obtained using coalescence-based and concatenated methods. {T}he clades recovered are discussed in light of both benchmark studies to identify synapomorphies and distributional evidence to underpin an updated infra-familial classification. {KEY} {RESULTS}: {C}oalescence-based and concatenated phylogenetic trees had identical topologies and node support, except for the placement of {M}elicoccus bijugatus {J}acq. {T}wenty-one clades were recovered, which serve as the basis for a revised infra-familial classification.{CONCLUSIONS}: {T}wenty tribes are recognized in four subfamilies: two tribes in {H}ippocastanoideae, two in {D}odonaeoideae, and 16 in {S}apindoideae (no tribes are recognized in the monotypic subfamily {X}anthoceratoideae). {W}ithin {S}apindoideae, six new tribes are described: {B}lomieae {B}uerki and {C}allm.; {G}uindilieae {B}uerki, {C}allm. and {A}cev.-{R}odr.; {H}aplocoeleae {B}uerki and {C}allm.; {S}tadmanieae {B}uerki and {C}allm.; {T}ristiropsideae {B}uerki and {C}allm.; and {U}ngnadieae {B}uerki and {C}allm. {T}his updated classification provides a backbone for further research and conservation efforts on this family.}, keywords = {{AFRIQUE} ; {MADAGASCAR} ; {ASIE} ; {INDE} ; {AMERIQUE} {DU} {SUD}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}merican {J}ournal of {B}otany}, volume = {108}, numero = {7}, pages = {1234--1251 [+ {C}orrigendum, 109, 8, 1326--1327, 2022]}, ISSN = {0002-9122}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1002/ajb2.1693}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010082451}, }