@article{fdi:010082434, title = {{C}haracterizing the physical properties of gelatin, a classic analog for the brittle elastic crust, insight from numerical modeling}, author = {{S}mittarello, {D}. and {P}inel, {V}irginie and {M}accaferri, {F}. and {F}urst, {S}. and {R}ivalta, {E}. and {C}ayol, {V}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}recise characterization of the mechanical properties of gelatin, a classic analog of the elastic crust, is necessary for scaling the mechanical models of the {E}arth's crust behavior in laboratory experiments. {H}ere we reassess how to accurately calculate the {Y}oung modulus ({E}) of gelatin contained in experimental tanks. {B}y means of dedicated analog experiments and finite element simulations, we estimate the bias introduced by using equations appropriate for a half-space to interpret the subsidence due to a cylindrical surface load applied on the gelatin. {I}n the case of a standard experimental setup with gelatin adhering to the tank wall, we find {E} is overestimated by at least 5/100 for a box with lateral size smaller than 20 times the cylinder diameter. {I}n addition, we deduce a correction factor to be applied when using an analytical formula. {W}e confirm that measuring the shear velocity leads to accurate estimates for the rigidity of gelatin. {W}e also propose a new method for in situ {Y}oung's modulus estimation, relying on the length of air-filled propagating crack. {I}ndeed, for a given injected volume, this length depends only on the density contrast between air and gelatin and on the {Y}oung's modulus of the gelatin. {T}he fracture toughness of the gelatin is estimated independently. {D}irect comparison between fracture toughness and {Y}oung's modulus shows that for a given {Y}oung's modulus, salted gelatin has a higher fracture toughness than unsalted gelatin.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ectonophysics}, volume = {812}, numero = {}, pages = {228901 [15 ]}, ISSN = {0040-1951}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1016/j.tecto.2021.228901}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010082434}, }