@article{fdi:010082393, title = {"{T}hey took us by boat and we're coming back by plane" : an assessment of {R}astafari and repatriation}, author = {{B}onacci, {G}iulia}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}epatriation to {A}frica represents a cornerstone of {R}astafari faith and livity, a structuring paradigm of the movement's development, and an ongoing physical mobility toward {A}frica. {T}his paper proposes an assessment of the significance of {R}epatriation, which is still largely ignored in the literature on the {R}astafari movement. {T}he claim for the right to return to {A}frica ties {R}astafari to the broader history of {B}lack peoples in the {A}mericas who have emphasized return as a redemptive mobility or as a political solution to their marginalized condition. {R}epatriation is a concept and a practice that raises many challenges and contradictions; and it endures in many different forms and places. {P}articular attention is given to repatriation to {E}thiopia, but other {A}frican countries are addressed as well.}, keywords = {{ANTHROPOLOGIE} {SOCIALE} ; {CROYANCE} ; {IDENTITE} {CULTURELLE} ; {HISTOIRE} ; {MIGRATION} {INTERNATIONALE} ; {SYSTEME} {DE} {REPRESENTATIONS} ; {POLITIQUE} {SOCIALE} ; {RAPATRIEMENT} ; {CONCEPT} ; {JAMAIQUE} ; {AFRIQUE} {SUBSAHARIENNE} ; {ETHIOPIE}}, booktitle = {{A} 2020 vision perspective on the {R}astafari movement : revisiting the field and taking steps forward}, journal = {{I}deaz}, volume = {15}, numero = {}, pages = {150--165}, ISSN = {0799-1401}, year = {2020}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010082393}, }