@article{fdi:010082260, title = {{D}ischarge rate of explosive volcanic eruption controls runout distance of pyroclastic density currents}, author = {{R}oche, {O}livier and {A}zzaoui, {N}. and {G}uillin, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e address, through quantitative analysis of results from independent studies, the control of the discharge rate of explosive volcanic eruptions on the runout distance of highly hazardous pyroclastic density currents. {W}e analyze with statistical methods data from 47 well-documented currents with runouts of similar to 3-185 km and generated by minor eruptions to super-eruptions with discharge rates {Q} similar to 10(7) -10(12) kg/s. {O}ur analysis shows first that the discharge rate during the phase of pyroclastic density currents is on average 13.6 times greater than the rate during the preceding plinian phase. {W}e further find that the runout of both dilute turbulent currents and of two-layer flows with a concentrated base correlates remarkably well with the discharge rate. {B}y applying the power law relationships we infer, we next model the as yet unknown discharge rates of over 53 events, including 27 super-eruptions. {A}t a given rate, dilute currents travel on land generally farther than their concentrated counterparts, and they are even more mobile when propagating over water. {W}e further demonstrate that the runout of dilute current scales with ({Q}/w)(0.5) , with w the particle settling velocity, in agreement with theory. {A}ssuming concentrated {PDC}s obey the same principle we infer particle settling velocities of similar to 1-10 m/s for these currents. {W}e show also that the classical deposit aspect ratio, {AR}, allows to discriminate between emplacement from dilute ({AR} < similar to 5 x 10(-5) ) and concentrated ({AR} >similar to 5 x 10(-5) ) current, which permits us to discuss the dynamics of {PDC}s produced by the {I}to (29 ka) and {T}aupo ({AD} 232) eruptions.}, keywords = {explosive volcanism ; discharge rate ; pyroclastic density current ; runout ; distance ; power law relationship ; super-eruption}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}arth and {P}lanetary {S}cience {L}etters}, volume = {568}, numero = {}, pages = {117017 [10 + 1 p.]}, ISSN = {0012-821{X}}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117017}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010082260}, }