@article{fdi:010082170, title = {{N}eogene basin infilling from cosmogenic nuclides ({B}e-10 and {N}e-21) in {A}tacama, {C}hile : implications for palaeoclimate and supergene copper mineralization}, author = {{S}anchez, {C}. and {R}egard, {V}. and {C}arretier, {S}{\'e}bastien and {R}iquelme, {R}. and {B}lard, {P}. {H}. and {C}ampos, {E}. and {B}richau, {S}t{\'e}phanie and {L}upker, {M}. and {H}{\'e}rail, {G}{\'e}rard}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}ncreasing evidence suggests that supergene exotic copper deposits were emplaced during periods of geomorphic quiescence and pulses of humidity in arid environments. {W}e tested this idea in the {C}entinela {M}ining {D}istrict in the {A}tacama {D}esert (northern {C}hile). {W}e collected 14 sand samples at depth (up to 110 m) in two open-pit mines ({C}entral {T}esoro and {M}irador) exposing {M}iocene sediment, and located in the {E}l {T}esoro {B}asin, which hosts two exotic copper-rich orebodies. {W}e inverted the {B}e-10 and {N}e-21 concentrations by using a two-box model ({IMIS}, inversion of multi-isotopes in a sedimentary basin) composed of an eroding source of sediment and a depositional sedimentary basin, and by selecting denudation and sedimentation rate histories that can explain our data. {T}he ages found demonstrate that the two exotic orebodies were deposited during a narrow period between 14 {M}a (10 {M}a younger than previously thought) and 9.5 {M}a, when an ignimbrite covered the sedimentary sequence. {T}he dated lower exotic copper orebody was deposited during or just before a sharp decrease in the sedimentation rates (from >100 to 0.5-5 m/{M}a), which is consistent with published sedimentological and carbonate isotopic data in this district. {T}his confirms the idea that exotic deposits form during a quiescence of the geomorphic activity. {N}evertheless, our model suggests that the back-ground denudation rate providing sediment to these basins between ca. 14 {M}a and ca. 9.5 {M}a was surprisingly high (>250 m/{M}a) for such an arid environment. {T}hese denudation rates can be explained by a relatively rapid local back-scarp retreat providing most of the sediment to these basins and possibly a wetter climate compared to the present. {T}hen, during the period 10-7 {M}a, the denudation rates decreased to >50 m/{M}a. {T}his decrease may correspond to a local progressive decrease in the slope of the surrounding hills, or to a progressive aridification, or a combination of both phenomena.}, keywords = {{A}tacama ; burial dating ; cosmogenic nuclides ; denudation rates ; intramountainous basin ; supergene copper deposits ; {CHILI} ; {ATACAMA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}asin {R}esearch}, volume = {33}, numero = {5}, pages = {2549--2571}, ISSN = {0950-091{X}}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1111/bre.12568}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010082170}, }