@article{fdi:010081576, title = {{I}ndividual risk of post-ivermectin serious adverse events in subjects infected with {L}oa loa}, author = {{C}hesnais, {C}{\'e}dric and {P}ion, {S}{\'e}bastien and {B}oull{\'e}, {C}. and {G}ardon, {J}acques and {G}ardon-{W}endel, {N}. and {F}okom-{D}omgue, {J}. and {K}amgno, {J}. and {B}oussinesq, {M}ichel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground:{I}mplementation of onchocerciasis elimination programmes has been delayed in {C}entral {A}frica because of the risk of ivermectin-related serious adverse events ({SAE}s) in individuals with high {L}oa loamicrofilarial densities ({MFD}). {W}e developed the first statistical models enabling prediction of {SAE} risk in individuals with a given {MFD}. {M}ethods:{W}e used individual participant data from two trials conducted in loiasis-onchocerciasis co-endemicareas in {C}ameroon. among the 10 506 ivermectin-treated subjects included in the analysis, 38 (0ยข36%) devel-oped an ivermectin-related {SAE}. {T}o predict individual-level risk of {SAE}, we developed mixed multivariatelogistic models including subjects'sex, age, pre-treatment {L} loa and {M}ansonella perstans {MFD}s, and study region. {F}indings:{T}he models predicted that regardless of sex, about 1% of people with 20 000{L} loa microfilariae permillilitre of blood (mf/m{L}), 10% of people with 50 000 mf/m{L} and about one third of those with 100 000 mf/m{L} will develop an {SAE}. {F}or a given {MFD}, males have a three-fold higher risk of developing an {SAE} than females. {I}nterpretation:{B}y enabling the prediction of post-ivermectin {SAE} risk in communities with known distribution of {L} loa {MFD}s, our results can guide decisions on the choice of ivermectin-based treatment strategies.{T}hey also predict that 37 {SAE}s were prevented in 2015 by using a {T}est-and-{T}reat strategy in the {O}kola {D}istrict of {C}ameroon.{F}unding:{UNDP}/{W}orld {B}ank/{WHO} {S}pecial {P}rogramme for {R}esearch and {T}raining in {T}ropical {D}iseases; {I}nstitut de {R}echerche pour le {D}eveloppement; {M}ectizan {D}onation {P}rogram; {B}ill and {M}elinda {G}ates {F}oundation}, keywords = {{CAMEROUN} {CENTRE} ; {CAMEROUN} {EST}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{EC}linical{M}edecine}, volume = {28}, numero = {}, pages = {100582 [7 ]}, ISSN = {2589-5370}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1016/j.eclinm.2020.100582}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010081576}, }