@article{fdi:010081497, title = {{M}ineralogical and chemical characterization of supergene copper-bearing minerals : examples from {C}hile and {B}urkina {F}aso}, author = {{K}ahou, {Z}. {S}. and {D}uchene, {S}. and {B}richau, {S}t{\'e}phanie and {C}ampos, {E}. and {E}strade, {G}. and {P}oujol, {M}. and {K}athirgamar, {J}. and {T}esta, {H}. and {L}eisen, {M}. and {C}hoy, {S}. and de {P}arseval, {P}. and {R}iquelme, {R}. and {C}arretier, {S}{\'e}bastien}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{U}sing optical microscopy, {SEM}, {EPMA} and {LA}-{ICP}-{MS}, we analyzed and characterized the textural features of {C}enozoic supergene {C}u-bearing minerals from three exotic and two in situ supergene copper mineralization from the {A}tacama {D}esert in northern {C}hile. {I}n addition, we analyzed their major and rare earth elements compositions. {W}e then compared these data to those obtained from the in situ supergene copper mineralization from the {G}aoua {C}u-{A}u porphyry district, emplaced during the {C}enozoic in a different geodynamic setting in the {W}est {A}frican craton. {I}n both the in situ and exotic supergene copper mineralization, chrysocolla is the dominant supergene copper-bearing mineral, followed by pseudomalachite with minor amount of copper wad. {C}hrysocolla and pseudomalachite show distinct textural features. {C}hrysocolla appears either as black {M}n-rich clasts or lightblue to green masses, filling the fractures and coating the non-mineralized clasts. {P}seudomalachite occurs as green color bands or thin coatings filling empty spaces. {A}ll the deposits share some common features with regard to their major element and {REE} compositions, i.e. i) same range of chemical compositions suggesting similar conditions of formation and ii) strong {C}e anomaly indicative of oxidant conditions during the crystallization of these supergene copper minerals. {O}ur results reflect similar conditions for the formation of both supergene copper minerals in all the mining districts and lead us to propose that both areas (i.e. the {A}tacama {D}esert and southwestern {B}urkina {F}aso) underwent similar geological and climatic conditions in order to form and preserve supergene copper mineralization, i.e. exhumation of the porphyry copper deposit and weathering of the primary copper sulfides, downward and laterally moving of copper-bearing solutions to form in situ and exotic {SCM} and finally, arid to hyperarid climate to prevent mechanical abrasion and leaching of the newly formed supergene copper mineralization.}, keywords = {in situ and exotic supergene copper ; mineralization ; {A}tacama desert ; {G}aoua {C}u-{A}u district ; {B}lack chrysocolla ; {C}hrysocolla ; {P}seudomalachite ; {CHILI} ; {BURKINA} {FASO} ; {ATACAMA} {DESERT}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{O}re {G}eology {R}eviews}, volume = {133}, numero = {}, pages = {104078 [18 ]}, ISSN = {0169-1368}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104078}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010081497}, }