@article{fdi:010081472, title = {{D}ifferential exhumation of the {E}astern {C}ordillera in the {C}entral {A}ndes : evidence for south-verging backthrusting ({A}bancay {D}eflection, {P}eru)}, author = {{G}erard, {B}. and {R}obert, {X}avier and {A}udin, {L}aurence and {V}alla, {P}. {G}. and {B}ernet, {M}. and {G}autheron, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}ocated at the northern tip of the {A}ltiplano, the {A}bancay {D}eflection marks abruptly the latitudinal segmentation of the {C}entral {A}ndes spreading over the {A}ltiplano to the south and the {E}astern {C}ordillera northward. {T}he striking morphological contrast between the low-relief {A}ltiplano and the high-relief {E}astern {C}ordillera makes this area a well-suited place to determine spatiotemporal variations in surface and/or rock uplift and discuss the latest phase of the formation of the {C}entral {A}ndes. {H}ere, we aim to quantify exhumation and uplift patterns in the {A}bancay {D}eflection since 40 {M}a and present new apatite ({U}-{T}h)/{H}e and fission track data from four altitudinal profiles and additional individual samples. {A}ge-elevation relationships and thermal modeling both document that the {A}bancay {D}eflection experienced a moderate, spatially uniform, and steady exhumation at 0.2 +/- 0.1 km/{M}yr between 40 and similar to 5 {M}a implying common large-scale exhumation mechanism(s). {F}rom similar to 5 {M}a, while the northern part of the {E}astern {C}ordillera and the {A}ltiplano registered similar ongoing slow exhumation, the southern part of the {E}astern {C}ordillera experienced one order-of-magnitude of exhumation acceleration (1.2 +/- 0.4 km/{M}yr). {T}his differential exhumation since similar to 5 {M}a implies active tectonics, river capture, and incision affecting the southern {E}astern {C}ordillera. 3{D} thermokinematic modeling favors a tectonic decoupling between the {A}ltiplano and the {E}astern {C}ordillera through backthrusting activity of the {A}purimac fault. {W}e speculate that the {A}bancay {D}eflection, with its "bulls-eye" structure and significant exhumation rate since 5 {M}a, may represent an {A}ndean protosyntaxis, similar to the syntaxes described in the {H}imalaya or {A}laska.}, keywords = {{A}bancay {D}eflection ; {A}purimac fault ; {C}entral {A}ndes ; differential ; exhumation ; tectonic decoupling ; thermochronology ; {PEROU} ; {ANDES} ; {CORDILLERE} ; {APURIMAC} ; {ABANCAY}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ectonics}, volume = {40}, numero = {4}, pages = {e2020{TC}006314 [29 ]}, ISSN = {0278-7407}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1029/2020tc006314}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010081472}, }