@article{fdi:010081400, title = {{A} predictive model of the impact of urbanization on bacterial loads in watersheds}, author = {{P}iyapong, {C}. and {C}hamroensaksri, {N}. and {A}roonsrimorakot, {S}. and {E}yosawat, {L}. and {K}hankhum, {S}. and {R}attana, {S}. and {S}unthamala, {N}. and {W}arapetcharayut, {P}. and {P}aradis, {E}mmanuel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}acterial concentration is one of the most important aspects of water quality. {M}any regions in the world are affected by increasing urbanization and a potential increase in bacterial concentrations in waters. {W}e used long-term data from 68 stations in eight watersheds in {E}astern {T}hailand to quantify the temporal and geographical variation in total and fecal coliform bacteria. {D}escriptive statistics showed considerable seasonal, inter-annual, and geographical variation. {I}n order to quantify this multi-level variation, we built a predictive model of bacterial loads. {U}sing fixed-and mixed-effects regression models, we built a model including the effects of urbanization and other significant variables. {T}he best model, fitted by restricted maximum likelihood, included the effects of season, year, urbanization as fixed effects, and of watershed and station as nested, random effects. {T}emporal variation was related to seasonal and annual variations. {S}patial variation had a very significant impact on the bacterial concentrations. {U}rbanization was an important factor controlling concentrations of bacteria in rivers: we found that the proportion of urban area around a station had a statistically significant effect on log-transformed total coliform bacterial concentration with a slope equal to 1.3 ({SE} = 0.3), and on log-transformed fecal coliform bacterial concentration with a slope equal to 1.4 ({SE} = 0.3). {O}ur model predicts that bacterial concentrations would be multiplied by 20 if land is transformed from non-urban to fully urban.}, keywords = {{C}oliforms ; {M}icrobiological water quality ; {M}ixed-effect models ; {R}ivers ; {T}hailand ; {THAILANDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {C}leaner {P}roduction}, volume = {297}, numero = {}, pages = {126704 [11 ]}, ISSN = {0959-6526}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126704}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010081400}, }