@article{fdi:010081388, title = {{S}train composition and genetic diversity of the fall armyworm {S}podoptera frugiperda ({L}epidoptera, {N}octuidae) : new insights from seven countries in {W}est {A}frica}, author = {{S}arr, {O}. {M}. and {G}arba, {M}. and {B}al, {A}. {B}. and {H}ima, {K}. and {N}diaye, {M}. and {F}ossoud, {A}mandine and {C}lamens, {A}. {L}. and {T}avoillot, {J}ohannes and {G}authier, {N}athalie}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he fall armyworm ({FAW}), {S}podoptera frugiperda, a major agricultural insect pest in the {W}estern {H}emisphere, currently also poses a significant threat to many cereal crops in {A}frica. {FAW} consists of two morphocryptic strains, the corn- and the rice strains, which were thought to display typical genetic, physiological and behavioural features. {H}owever, this is not absolutely true, rendering direct identification and distribution of the strains impossible in field. {T}hus, to investigate 1) the composition and diversity of {FAW} strains, 2) their distribution at various spatial scales, and 3) the host plants they use, in invaded countries we used the {COI} barcode fragment, a marker capable of accurately distinguishing the two strains. {A} total of 125 specimens mainly sampled on maize in {N}iger and {S}enegal and to a lesser extent in {G}uinea, {M}ali, {T}ogo, {B}urkina {F}aso and {C}ape {V}erde were analyzed. {S}ixteen haplotypes were identified among which two occurred very frequently. {P}hylogenetic analysis delineated two lineages, the rice and corn strains, but no typical geographical and host-plant patterns were found. {T}he {FAW}-strain haplotypes derived from {W}est {A}frican specimens were genetically comparable with those sampled elsewhere in {A}frica, the {A}mericas and {A}sia. {C}onsidering all sites and plants sampled, the corn strain slightly predominated but on maize, the two strains were statistically comparable. {T}heir distribution is largely sympatric at region, field and even maize plant scales. {T}hese findings are compared to populations recorded elsewhere and are discussed in the framework of biological invasions, and the management and ecology of the species.}, keywords = {{COI} barcode ; {F}all armyworm strains ; {H}ost plants ; {I}nsect pest ; {M}aize ; {W}est {A}frica ; {NIGER} ; {SENEGAL} ; {MALI} ; {BURKINA} {FASO} ; {TOGO} ; {GUINEE} ; {CAP} {VERT}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {T}ropical {I}nsect {S}cience}, volume = {41}, numero = {4}, pages = {2695--2711}, ISSN = {1742-7584}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1007/s42690-021-00450-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010081388}, }