@article{fdi:010081162, title = {{E}valuation of 11 {DNA} automated extraction protocols for the detection of the 5 mains {C}andida species from artificially spiked blood}, author = {{M}enu, {E}. and {L}andier, {J}ordi and {P}rudent, {E}. and {R}anque, {S}. and {L}'{O}llivier, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he molecular detection of {C}andida plays an important role in the diagnosis of candidaemia, a major cause of morbidity and mortality. {T}he sensitivity of this diagnosis is partly related to the efficiency of yeast {DNA} extraction. {I}n this monocentric study, we investigated the suitability of 11 recent automated procedures for the extraction of low and high amounts of {C}andida {DNA} from spiked blood. {T}he efficacy of the {DNA} extraction procedures to detect {C}andida spp. in blood samples ranged from 31.4% to 80.6%. {T}he {N}ucli{SENS}({TM}) easy{MAG}({TM}) procedure was the most efficient, for each species and each inoculum. {I}t significantly outperformed the other procedures at the lower {C}andida inocula mimicking the clinical setting. {T}his study highlighted a heterogeneity in {DNA} extraction efficacy between the five main {C}andida species ({C}andida albicans, {C}andida glabrata, {C}andida parapsilosis, {C}andida tropicalis and {C}andida krusei). {U}p to five automated procedures were appropriate for {C}. krusei {DNA} extraction, whereas only one method yielded an appropriate detection of low amount of {C}. tropicalis. {I}n the era of the syndromic approach to bloodstream infection diagnosis, this evaluation of 11 automated {DNA} extraction methods for the {PCR} diagnosis of candidaemia, puts the choice of an appropriate method in routine diagnosis within the reach of laboratories.}, keywords = {{C}andida ; candidaemia ; {DNA} extraction}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {F}ungi}, volume = {7}, numero = {3}, pages = {228 [12 ]}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.3390/jof7030228}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010081162}, }