@article{fdi:010080951, title = {{L}a population d’{A}vicennia germinans du delta du {S}aloum est-elle relictuelle depuis la derni{\`e}re p{\'e}riode humide ?}, author = {{L}ombard, {F}. and {A}ndrieu, {J}. and {D}escroix, {L}uc}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{A}cross the globe, mangroves are being deforested at a higher rate than tropical forests. {T}he {S}aloum {D}elta mangroves in {S}enegal declined significantly in the 1980s and 1990s but have been regenerating spontaneously since then. {T}his paper tests the hypothesis that the population of {A}vicennia germinans in the {S}aloum delta is a relict population that became established during the exceptionally humid years of 1950 to 1967. {T}his article provides a synthesis of two different botanical campaigns conducted at an interval of 15 years. {W}e also conducted an experiment on the flotation of propagules according to water salinity. {B}y 2003, {A}vicennia germinans reproduction had not been occurring in the mid-tidal zone for several years. {Y}oung shoots were only appearing, in the upper tidal zone, when trapped by {S}esuvium portulacastrum, so the problem is one of propagule deposition and rooting. {I}n 2018, only 2 individuals, both on the same site, seem to have followed a "normal" regeneration process, in the mud in the mid-tidal zone, without a propagule trapping process. {T}he recent decrease in salinity seems to be again, and exceptionally, allowing propagules to sink, and thus to germinate as they did during the humid period. {A} clear linear relationship has been observed between flotation and salinity. {I}n the {G}ambia and {C}asamance, where rainfall is higher and salinity lower, reproduction of this species has been normal without being affected by the period of drought. {T}his has allowed us to estimate that annual rainfall or minimum salinity in excess of the 1,000 mm and 20% thresholds respectively, after the exceptionally wet period (1950-1967), have since prevented reproduction of the species. {I}f this population, which has been scientifically studied since the 1970s, is indeed a relict population from an abnormally wet period, a whole body of literature describing and explaining the degradation of the {S}aloum mangroves would be based on erroneous baseline conditions.}, keywords = {{A}vicennia germinans mangrove ; relic ; regeneration ; {S}enegal ; {SENEGAL} ; {SALOUN} {DELTA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}ois et {F}or{\^e}ts des {T}ropiques}, numero = {346}, pages = {51--64}, ISSN = {0006-579{X}}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.19182/bft2020.346.a36296}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080951}, }