@article{fdi:010080931, title = {{L}inkages between dietary diversity and indicators of agricultural biodiversity in {B}urkina {F}aso}, author = {{L}ourme-{R}uiz, {A}lissia and {D}ury, {S}. and {M}artin-{P}r{\'e}vel, {Y}ves}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his paper assesses the relationships between women's dietary diversity and various indicators of agricultural biodiversity in farms of the {H}auts-{B}assins, a cotton-growing region in rural western {B}urkina {F}aso. {A} sample of 579 farms representative of the region was surveyed at three different periods of the year. {U}sing a qualitative 24-h dietary recall, we computed a women's dietary diversity score ({WDDS}-10) based on ten food groups. {W}e used four crop diversity indicators: crop count ({CC}), {S}impson's index ({SI}), nutritional functional diversity ({NFD}) and production diversity score ({PDS}) based on the same food groups as in the {WDDS}-10. {W}e also counted the number of agroforestry tree species that provide food and the number of animal species raised. {M}ean {WDDS}-10 was low (3.4 +/- 1.5 food groups) and did not vary between seasons, whereas the food groups consumed changed according to harvests. {F}arm production is based on cereals and cotton with low diversity (on average 2.2 +/- 1.0 food groups were cultivated on each farm). {R}esults of mixed models showed that {WDDS}-10 is positively associated with {PDS} and the number of agroforestry trees species. {I}n this area, dietary diversity of women in farming households depends on the on-farm production of nutritionally diverse crops, partly because when a crop is produced some of it is usually consumed by the members of the farm household. {I}n addition, {WDDS}-10 was found to be negatively associated with cotton production when managed by male farm heads, but positively when managed by women. {O}ur results show that assessing the relationships between {WDDS}-10 and agricultural biodiversity depends on how the latter is assessed. {I}n {B}urkina {F}aso, enhancing agricultural biodiversity, especially nutrient-dense crops and agroforestry trees, could be an appropriate way to improve dietary diversity.}, keywords = {{A}gricultural biodiversity ; {C}rop diversity ; {C}otton ; {D}ietary diversity ; {S}easonality ; {BURKINA} {FASO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}ood {S}ecurity}, volume = {13}, numero = {2}, pages = {329--349}, ISSN = {1876-4517}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1007/s12571-020-01137-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080931}, }