@article{fdi:010080914, title = {{W}hat theories underpin performance-based financing ? : a scoping review}, author = {{P}aul, {E}. and {B}odson, {O}. and {R}idde, {V}al{\'e}ry}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}urpose {T}he study aims to explore the theoretical bases justifying the use of performance-based financing ({PBF}) in the health sector in low- and middle-income countries ({LMIC}s). {D}esign/methodology/approach {T}he authors conducted a scoping review of the literature on {PBF} so as to identify the theories utilized to underpin it and analyzed its theoretical justifications. {F}indings {S}ixty-four studies met the inclusion criteria. {E}conomic theories were predominant, with the principal-agent theory being the most commonly-used theory, explicitly referred to by two-thirds of included studies. {P}sychological theories were also common, with a wide array of motivation theories. {O}ther disciplines in the form of management or organizational science, political and social science and systems approaches also contributed. {H}owever, some of the theories referred to contradicted each other. {M}any of the studies included only casually alluded to one or more theories, and very few used these theories to justify or support {PBF}. {N}o theory emerged as a dominant, consistent and credible justification of {PBF}, perhaps except for the principal-agent theory, which was often inappropriately applied in the included studies, and when it included additional assumptions reflecting the contexts of the health sector in {LMIC}s, might actually warn against adopting {PBF}. {P}ractical implications {O}verall, this review has not been able to identify a comprehensive, credible, consistent, theoretical justification for using {PBF} rather than alternative approaches to health system reforms and healthcare providers' motivation in {LMIC}s. {O}riginality/value {T}he theoretical justifications of {PBF} in the health sector in {LMIC}s are under-documented. {T}his review is the first of this kind and should encourage further debate and theoretical exploration of the justifications of {PBF}.}, keywords = {{P}erformance-based financing ; {L}ow- and middle-income countries ; {T}heory ; {S}coping review ; {PAYS} {EN} {DEVELOPPEMENT}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}ealth {O}rganization and {M}anagement}, volume = {35}, numero = {3}, pages = {344--381}, ISSN = {1477-7266}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1108/jhom-04-2020-0161}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080914}, }