@article{fdi:010080912, title = {{C}onnectivity and population structure of albacore tuna across southeast {A}tlantic and southwest {I}ndian {O}ceans inferred from multidisciplinary methodology}, author = {{N}ikolic, {N}atacha and {M}ontes, {I}. and {L}alire, {M}. and {P}uech, {A}. and {B}odin, {N}athalie and {A}rnaud-{H}aond, {S}. and {K}erwath, {S}. and {C}orse, {E}. and {G}aspar, {P}. and {H}ollanda, {S}. and {B}ourjea, {J}. and {W}est, {W}. and {B}onhommeau, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}lbacore tuna ({T}hunnus alalunga) is an important target of tuna fisheries in the {A}tlantic and {I}ndian {O}ceans. {T}he commercial catch of albacore is the highest globally among all temperate tuna species, contributing around 6% in weight to global tuna catches over the last decade. {T}he accurate assessment and management of this heavily exploited resource requires a robust understanding of the species' biology and of the pattern of connectivity among oceanic regions, yet {I}ndian {O}cean albacore population dynamics remain poorly understood and its level of connectivity with the {A}tlantic {O}cean population is uncertain. {W}e analysed morphometrics and genetics of albacore (n = 1,874) in the southwest {I}ndian ({SWIO}) and southeast {A}tlantic ({SEAO}) {O}ceans to investigate the connectivity and population structure. {F}urthermore, we examined the species' dispersal potential by modelling particle drift through major oceanographic features. {M}ales appear larger than females, except in {S}outh {A}frican waters, yet the length-weight relationship only showed significant male-female difference in one region (east of {M}adagascar and {R}eunion waters). {T}he present study produced a genetic differentiation between the southeast {A}tlantic and southwest {I}ndian {O}ceans, supporting their demographic independence. {T}he particle drift models suggested dispersal potential of early life stages from {SWIO} to {SEAO} and adult or sub-adult migration from {SEAO} to {SWIO}.}, keywords = {{MADAGASCAR} ; {REUNION} ; {SEYCHELLES} ; {SOMALIE} ; {ATLANTIQUE} {SUD} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN} {SUD} {OUEST}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cientific {R}eports - {N}ature}, volume = {10}, numero = {1}, pages = {15657 [ p.]}, ISSN = {2045-2322}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1038/s41598-020-72369-w}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080912}, }