@article{fdi:010080565, title = {{O}n the relationship between reversal of the river stage (repiquetes), rainfall and low-level wind regimes over the western {A}mazon basin}, author = {{F}igueroa, {M}. and {A}rmijos, {E}. and {E}spinoza, {J}. {C}. and {R}onchail, {J}. and {F}raizy, {P}ascal}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}tudy region: {T}he {A}mazonas {R}iver and its tributaries ({P}eru), where riparian farmers face hydrological events that put their lowland crops at high risk of production loss during the flood recession period. {S}tudy focus: {T}his paper analyzes the hydro-meteorological mechanisms over the {A}ndes-{A}mazon basins that produce "repiquetes", which are sudden reversals of the river stage. {T}hey are defined and characterized for the period 1996-2018 by using river stage data from three hydrological gauging stations for the {A}mazonas, {M}aranon and {U}cayali {R}ivers. {D}aily rainfall and low-level winds depict the large-scale atmospheric patterns associated with repiquetes. {N}ew hydrological insights: {A}mong 73 significant repiquetes (reversal >= 20 cm) observed in the {A}mazonas {R}iver, 64 % were preceded by repiquetes only in the {M}aranon {R}iver, 5 % by repiquetes only in the {U}cayali {R}iver, 21 % by repiquetes in both rivers and 10 % was only registered in the {A}mazonas {R}iver without upstream precursor. {T}hese results show that repiquetes in the {M}aranon {R}iver are the primary precursors of repiquetes in the {A}mazonas {R}iver. {M}ost repiquetes are associated with abundant rainfall over the {P}eruvian and {E}cuadorian {A}ndes-{A}mazon transition region related to a remarkable change in the direction of the meridional wind, from north to south, and an easterly flow five to three days before the beginning of a repiquete in the {A}mazonas {R}iver.}, keywords = {{R}epiquetes ; {R}ainfall ; {C}irculation patterns ; {R}ecessional agriculture ; {W}estern {A}mazon ; {PEROU} ; {AMAZONIE} ; {AMAZONE} {BASSIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}ydrology : {R}egional {S}tudies}, volume = {32}, numero = {}, pages = {100752 [15 ]}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ejrh.2020.100752}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080565}, }