@article{fdi:010080549, title = {{I}dentification and characterization of {V}ietnamese coffee bacterial endophytes displaying in vitro antifungal and nematicidal activities}, author = {{D}uong, {B}enoit and {N}guyen, {H}. {X}. and {P}han, {H}. {V}. and {C}olella, {S}. and {T}rinh, {P}. {Q}. and {H}oang, {G}. {T}. and {N}guyen, {T}. {T}. and {M}arraccini, {P}. and {L}ebrun, {M}ichel and {D}uponnois, {R}obin}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he endophytic bacteria were isolated from coffee roots and seeds in {V}ietnam and identified with 16{S} r{DNA} sequencing as belonging to the {A}ctinobacteria, {F}irmicutes and {P}roteobacteria phyla with the {N}ocardia, {B}acillus and {B}urkholderia as dominant genera, respectively. {O}ut of the thirty genera recovered from {C}offea canephora and {C}offea liberica, twelve were reported for the first time in endophytic association with coffee including members of the genera {B}rachybacterium, {C}aballeronia, {K}itasatospora, {L}echevalieria, {L}eifsonia, {L}uteibacter, {L}ysinibacillus, {M}ycolicibacterium, {N}akamurella, {P}aracoccus, {S}inomonas and {S}phingobium. {A} total of eighty bacterial endophytes were characterized in vitro for several plant growth promoting and biocontrol traits including: the phosphate solubilization, the indolic compounds, siderophores, {HCN}, esterase, lipase, gelatinase and chitinase production. {A} subset of fifty selected bacteria were tested for their potential as biocontrol agents with in vitro confrontations with the fungal pathogen {F}usarium oxysporum as well as the coffee parasitic nematodes {R}adopholus duriophilus and {P}ratylenchus coffeae. {T}he three most efficient isolates on {F}. oxysporum belonging to the {B}acillus, {B}urkholderia, and {S}treptomyces genera displayed a growth inhibition rate higher than 40%. {F}inally, five isolates from the {B}acillus genus were able to lead to 100% of mortality in 24 h on both {R}. duriophilus and {P}. coffeae.}, keywords = {{A}ntifungal activity ; {B}iocontrol ; {C}offee ; {E}ndophytes ; {N}ematicidal activity ; {P}lant growth-promoting ; {VIET} {NAM}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}icrobiological {R}esearch}, volume = {242}, numero = {}, pages = {126613 [13 }}, ISSN = {0944-5013}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1016/j.micres.2020.126613}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080549}, }