@article{fdi:010080401, title = {{A}n elegy to {R}angaeris, including a description of two new genera in the {C}yrtorchis-{T}ridactyle clade ({O}rchidaceae, {A}ngraecinae)}, author = {{F}arminhao, {J}. {N}. {M}. and {D}'{H}aijere, {T}. and {D}roissart, {V}incent and {I}songa, {L}. {D}. and {D}ong, {L}. and {V}erlynde, {S}. and {P}lunkett, {G}. {M}. and {S}imo-{D}roissart, {M}. and {S}tevart, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he phylogenetic position of {R}angaeris ({S}chltr.) {S}ummerh. has been one of the most problematic issues of angraecoid orchid taxonomy. {A} recently published phylogenetic tree with nearly comprehensive taxon sampling of {A}frican angraecoid orchids suggested that this genus was polyphyletic, as its species appear nested within different subclades of the {C}yrtorchis-{T}ridactyle {G}lade. {H}owever, the lack of {DNA} data for the generic type, {R}. muscicola ({R}chb. f.) {S}ummerh., and for the little-known species {R}. longicaudata ({R}olfe) {S}ummerh. and {R}. trilobata {S}ummerh., has precluded an integrative reappraisal of the delimitation of this genus. {H}ere we present the results of a new phylogenetic analysis of one nuclear ({ITS}) and five plastid markers (mat{K}, rps16, trn{C}-pet{N} intergenic spacer, trn{L}-trn{F} intergenic spacer, ycf1) for all six species of {R}angaeris, including those recently transferred to {P}odangis {S}chltr. and {Y}psilopus {S}ummerh., together with a representative sampling of 14 other species of the genera {C}yrtorchis {S}chltr., {L}istrostaehys {R}chb. f., {P}lectrelminthus {R}af., {S}ummerhayesia {P}. {J}. {C}ribb, {T}ridactyle {S}chltr., and {Y}psilopus. {B}ased on molecular and morphological evidence, {R} muscicola is transferred to {P}odangis, wheie {R}angaeris is reduced to the rank of section. {I}n addition, {R}. longicaudata and {R}. trilobata are each moved to new monotypic genera, {P}lanetangis {S}tevart & {F}arminhao and {A}ziza {F}arminhao & {D}'haijere, respectively. {A}n identification key for all genera of the {C}yrtorchis-{T}ridactyle {G}lade is presented, together with one for the three species of recircumscribed {P}odangis. {F}inally, taxonomic accounts of the new genera are presented, including amended descriptions, illustrations, distribution maps, and preliminary conservation status assessments of their species.}, keywords = {{A}frica ; {A}ngola ; {A}ziza ; {D}emocratic {R}epublic of the {C}ongo ; {E}pidendroideae ; {IUCN} {R}ed {L}ist ; lectotypification ; new combinations ; {P}lanetangis ; {P}odangis ; {V}andeae ; {W}elwitsch ; {ANGOLA} ; {REPUBLIQUE} {DEMOCRATIQUE} {DU} {CONGO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}nnals of the {M}issouri {B}otanical {G}arden}, volume = {105}, numero = {3}, pages = {300--322}, ISSN = {0026-6493}, year = {2020}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080401}, }