@article{fdi:010080119, title = {{C}hromosomal inversions, natural selection and adaptation in the malaria vector {A}nopheles funestus}, author = {{A}yala, {D}iego and {F}ontaine, {M}. {C}. and {C}ohuet, {A}nna and {F}ontenille, {D}idier and {V}italis, {R}. and {S}imard, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}hromosomal polymorphisms, such as inversions, are presumably involved in the rapid adaptation of populations to local environmental conditions. {R}educed recombination between alternative arrangements in heterozygotes may protect sets of locally adapted genes, promoting ecological divergence and potentially leading to reproductive isolation and speciation. {T}hrough a comparative analysis of chromosomal inversions and microsatellite marker polymorphisms, we hereby present biological evidence that strengthens this view in the mosquito {A}nopheles funestus s.s, one of the most important and widespread malaria vectors in {A}frica. {S}pecimens were collected across a wide range of geographical, ecological, and climatic conditions in {C}ameroon. {W}e observed a sharp contrast between population structure measured at neutral microsatellite markers and at chromosomal inversions. {M}icrosatellite data detected only a weak signal for population structuring among geographical zones ({F}-{ST} < 0.013, {P} < 0.01). {B}y contrast, strong differentiation among ecological zones was revealed by chromosomal inversions ({F}-{ST} > 0.190, {P} < 0.01). {U}sing standardized estimates of {F}-{ST}, we show that inversions behave at odds with neutral expectations strongly suggesting a role of environmental selection in shaping their distribution. {W}e further demonstrate through canonical correspondence analysis that heterogeneity in eco-geographical variables measured at specimen sampling sites explained 89% of chromosomal variance in {A}. funestus. {T}hese results are in agreement with a role of chromosomal inversions in ecotypic adaptation in this species. {W}e argue that this widespread mosquito represents an interesting model system for the study of chromosomal speciation mechanisms and should provide ample opportunity for comparative studies on the evolution of reproductive isolation and speciation in major human malaria vectors.}, keywords = {chromosome inversions ; {A}nopheles funestus ; natural selection ; local adaptation ; malaria ; {C}ameroon ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}olecular {B}iology and {E}volution}, volume = {28}, numero = {1}, pages = {745--758}, ISSN = {0737-4038}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1093/molbev/msq248}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080119}, }