@article{fdi:010079992, title = {{M}onitoring pearl farming lagoon temperature with global high resolution satellite-derived products : an evaluation using {R}aroia {A}toll, {F}rench {P}olynesia}, author = {{V}an {W}ynsberge, {S}. and {L}e {G}endre, {R}. and {S}angare, {N}. and {A}ucan, {J}er{\^o}me and {M}enk{\`e}s, {C}hristophe and {L}iao, {V}. {T}. and {A}ndr{\'e}fou{\¨e}t, {S}erge}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}emperature is important for pearl oyster reproduction, pelagic larval duration, and growth in the context of pearl farming, but has seldom been monitored over long periods in remote atolls. {T}o test if satellite-derived {S}ea {S}urface {T}emperature ({SST}) could provide a solution, two daily global {SST} products were compared with 18 high precision loggers deployed during 10-months in the wide {R}aroia atoll ({T}uamotu {A}rchipelago, {F}rench {P}olynesia). {T}he {M}ulti-scale-{U}ltra-high-{R}esolution ({MUR}) {SST} was better correlated with lagoon temperature (r > 0.97) than the {G}lobal-{F}oundation-{S}ea-{S}urface-{T}emperature-{A}nalysis ({G}1{SST}) {SST} (r < 0.94). {D}ifferences between observations and {MUR} {SST} ranged between -0.75 degrees {C} and + 1.12 degrees {C} and were influenced by seasons and locations, depth, and hours of measurements. {W}ithin this uncertainty range, simulations using a {D}ynamic {E}nergy {B}udget model predicted similar life traits of oysters. {T}herefore, {MUR} {SST} appears suitable to monitor lagoon temperature in wide atolls, model oyster population dynamics and assist pearl oyster research and management.}, keywords = {{S}ea surface temperature ; {S}atellite {SST} ; {P}inctada margaritifera ; {D}ynamic ; {E}nergy {B}udget ; {MUR} {SST} ; {G}1{SST} ; {POLYNESIE} {FRANCAISE} ; {TUAMOTU} ; {RAROIA} {ATOLL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {P}ollution {B}ulletin}, volume = {160}, numero = {}, pages = {111576 [13 ]}, ISSN = {0025-326{X}}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111576}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079992}, }