@article{fdi:010079905, title = {{I}n situ observations and modelling revealed environmental factors favouring occurrence of {V}ibrio in microbiome of the pelagic {S}argassum responsible for strandings}, author = {{M}ichotey, {V}. and {B}lanfun{\'e}, {A}. and {C}hevalier, {C}rist{\`e}le and {G}arel, {M}. and {D}iaz, {F}. and {B}erline, {L}. and {L}e {G}rand, {L}. and {A}rmougom, {F}abrice and {G}uasco, {S}. and {R}uitton, {S}. and {C}hangeux, {T}homas and {B}elloni, {B}. and {B}lanchot, {J}ean and {M}{\'e}nard, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {T}hibaut, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{H}istorically, pelagic {S}argassum were only found in the {S}argasso {S}ea. {S}ince 2011, blooms were regularly observed in warmer water, further south. {T}heir developments in {C}entral {A}tlantic are associated with mass strandings on the coasts, causing important damages and potentially dispersion of new bacteria. {M}icrobiomes associated with pelagic {S}argassum were analysed at large scale in {C}entral {A}tlantic and near {C}aribbean {I}slands with a focus on pathogenic bacteria. {V}ibrio appeared widely distributed among pelagic {S}argassum microbiome of our samples with higher occurrence than previously found in {M}exico {G}ulf. {S}ix out the 16 {V}ibrio-{OTU}s ({O}perational {T}axonomic {U}nit), representing 812 +/- 13.1% of the sequences, felt in cluster containing pathogens. {A}mong the four different microbial profiles of pelagic {S}argassum microbiome, {V}ibrio attained about 2% in two profiles whereas it peaked, in the two others, at 6.5 and 26.8% respectively, largely above the concentrations found in seawater surrounding raft (0.5%). {I}n addition to sampling and measurements, we performed backward lagrangian modelling of trajectories of rafts, and rebuilt the sampled rafts environmental history allowing us to estimate {S}argassum growth rates along raft displacements. {W}e found that {V}ibrio was favoured by high {S}argassum growth rate and in situ ammonium and nitrite, modelled phosphate and nitrate concentrations, whereas zooplankters, benthic copepods, and calm wind (proxy of raft buoyancy near the sea surface) were less favourable for them. {R}elations between {V}ibrio and other main bacterial groups identified a competition with {A}lteromonas. {A}ccording to forward {L}agrangian tracking, part of rafts containing {V}ibrio could strand on the {C}aribbean coasts, however the strong decreases of modelled {S}argassum growth rates along this displacement suggest unfavourable environment for {V}ibrio. {F}or the conditions and areas observed, the sanitary risk seemed in consequence minor, but in other areas or conditions where high {S}argassum growth rate occurred near coasts, it could be more important.}, keywords = {{A}lteromonas ; {C}opepod ; {M}icrobiome ; {N}utrient ; {S}argassum growth rate ; {W}ind ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {CARAIBES} {MER} ; {SARGASSES} {MER}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cience of the {T}otal {E}nvironment}, volume = {748}, numero = {}, pages = {141216 [10 ]}, ISSN = {0048-9697}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141216}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079905}, }