@article{fdi:010079779, title = {{F}rom epistemology to the method : phenomenology of the body, qi cultivation (qigong) and religious experiences in {C}hinese worlds}, author = {{M}icollier, {E}velyne}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}t the intersections of social anthropology, philosophy, and {A}sian studies, my paper explores the body ecologic through a phenomenological frame in the context of {C}hinese culture engaging both theory and method. {H}ow can qi cultivation experiences transporting bodies and persons in movement, within the world and their "life-world," be interpreted through a phenomenology of perception? {B}ased on ethnographic study data collected mainly in {S}outh {C}hina ({G}uangzhou) and in {T}aiwan (1990s-2000s), this exploration is situated within qi gong experiences (training, cultivating and mastering the qi). {A}nchored in martial, religious, and healing arts and their meanings, qigong's myriad of forms and infinite variations invite journeys into religious {D}aoist and {B}uddhist practice, {C}hinese thought, and politico-religious issues of past and present {C}hinese society. {T}he qigong world, paths of knowledge transmission, healing horizons, claimed affiliations, and views of practitioners unveil an ontology and a cosmology grounded in religious ({D}aoist and {B}uddhist) lore.}, keywords = {body ecologic ; phenomenology ; qi cultivation ; religious experience ; {C}hinese world ; {CHINE} ; {GUANGZHOU} ; {TAIWAN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}nthropology of {C}onsciousness}, volume = {31}, numero = {2}, pages = {200--222}, ISSN = {1053-4202}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1111/anoc.12125}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079779}, }