@article{fdi:010079773, title = {{E}valuating family physicians' willingness to prescribe {P}r{EP}}, author = {{V}illeneuve, {F}. and {C}abot, {J}. {M}. and {E}ymard-{D}uvernay, {S}abrina and {V}isier, {L}. and {T}ribout, {V}. and {P}erollaz, {C}. and {R}eynes, {J}. and {M}akinson, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}ntroduction. - {W}e assessed family physicians' ({FP}) willingness to integrate {P}r{EP} into their clinical practice in {M}ontpellier and its surroundings. {M}ethod. - {W}e aimed to randomly assess 92 {FP}s. {R}esults. - {N}inety-six {FP}s were interviewed from {M}ay to {D}ecember 2018: 78% (95% {CI} [69; 86]) were willing to integrate {P}r{EP}, 65% to be trained, and 52% to be the first providers. {O}f the 65 (6%) with some knowledge of {P}r{EP}, 21 were not aware of targeted populations and 39 never talked about {P}r{EP} with their patients. {N}early all {FP}s declared {HIV} prevention as part of their job and felt at ease talking about sexuality. {C}onsidering {HIV} prevention as part of their job was associated with increased likelihood to integrate {P}r{EP} into their practice ({P} = 0.015). {C}onclusions. - {M}ost {FP}s were willing to integrate and be trained on {P}r{EP}. {L}ack of {P}r{EP} prescription seemed related to a lack of knowledge.}, keywords = {{P}re-exposure prophylaxis ; {F}amily physicians ; {HIV} prevention ; {T}raining program ; {FRANCE} ; {MONTPELLIER}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}edecine et {M}aladies {I}nfectieuses}, volume = {50}, numero = {7}, pages = {606--610}, ISSN = {0399-077{X}}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1016/j.medmal.2020.02.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079773}, }