@article{fdi:010079769, title = {{E}nhanced vertical mixing in coastal upwelling systems driven by diurnal-inertial resonance : numerical experiments}, author = {{F}earon, {G}. and {H}erbette, {S}. and {V}eitch, {J}. and {C}ambon, {G}ildas and {L}ucas, {A}. {J}. and {L}emarie, {F}. and {V}ichi, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he land-sea breeze is resonant with the inertial response of the ocean at the critical latitude of 30 degrees {N}/{S}. 1-{D} vertical numerical experiments were undertaken to study the key drivers of enhanced diapycnal mixing in coastal upwelling systems driven by diurnal-inertial resonance near the critical latitude. {T}he effect of the land boundary was implicitly included in the model through the "{C}raig approximation" for first-order cross-shore surface elevation gradient response. {T}he model indicates that for shallow water depths (