@article{fdi:010079756, title = {{R}esponses of mature symbiotic nodules to the whole-plant systemic nitrogen signaling}, author = {{L}ambert, {I}lana and {P}ervent, {M}. and {L}e {Q}u{\'e}r{\'e}, {A}ntoine and {C}lement, {G}. and {T}auzin, {M}. and {S}everac, {D}. and {B}enezech, {C}. and {T}illard, {P}. and {M}artin-{M}agniette, {M}. {L}. and {C}olella, {S}. and {L}epetit, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n symbiotic root nodules of legumes, terminally differentiated rhizobia fix atmospheric {N}-2 producing an {NH}4+ influx that is assimilated by the plant. {T}he plant, in return, provides photosynthates that fuel the symbiotic nitrogen acquisition. {M}echanisms responsible for the adjustment of the symbiotic capacity to the plant {N} demand remain poorly understood. {W}e have investigated the role of systemic signaling of whole-plant {N} demand on the mature {N}-2-fixing nodules of the model symbiotic association {M}edicago truncatula/{S}inorhizobium using split-root systems. {T}he whole-plant {N}-satiety signaling rapidly triggers reductions of both {N}-2 fixation and allocation of sugars to the nodule. {T}hese responses are associated with the induction of nodule senescence and the activation of plant defenses against microbes, as well as variations in sugars transport and nodule metabolism. {T}he whole-plant {N}-deficit responses mirror these changes: a rapid increase of sucrose allocation in response to {N}-deficit is associated with a stimulation of nodule functioning and development resulting in nodule expansion in the long term. {P}hysiological, transcriptomic, and metabolomic data together provide evidence for strong integration of symbiotic nodules into whole-plant nitrogen demand by systemic signaling and suggest roles for sugar allocation and hormones in the signaling mechanisms.}, keywords = {{L}egumes ; mature nodules ; nitrogen ; {R}hizobium ; sugar partitioning ; symbiosis ; systemic signaling}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {E}xperimental {B}otany}, volume = {71}, numero = {16}, pages = {5039--5052}, ISSN = {0022-0957}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1093/jxb/eraa221}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079756}, }