@article{fdi:010079670, title = {{T}he {L}ake {C}had hydrology under current climate change}, author = {{P}ham-{D}uc, {B}. and {S}ylvestre, {F}lorence and {P}apa, {F}abrice and {F}rappart, {F}. and {B}ouchez, {C}. and {C}retaux, {J}. {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}ake {C}had, in the {S}ahelian zone of west-central {A}frica, provides food and water to similar to 50 million people and supports unique ecosystems and biodiversity. {I}n the past decades, it became a symbol of current climate change, held up by its dramatic shrinkage in the 1980s. {D}espites a partial recovery in response to increased {S}ahelian precipitation in the 1990s, {L}ake {C}had is still facing major threats and its contemporary variability under climate change remains highly uncertain. {H}ere, using a new multi-satellite approach, we show that {L}ake {C}had extent has remained stable during the last two decades, despite a slight decrease of its northern pool. {M}oreover, since the 2000s, groundwater, which contributes to similar to 70% of {L}ake {C}had's annual water storage change, is increasing due to water supply provided by its two main tributaries. {O}ur results indicate that in tandem with groundwater and tropical origin of water supply, over the last two decades, {L}ake {C}had is not shrinking and recovers seasonally its surface water extent and volume. {T}his study provides a robust regional understanding of current hydrology and changes in the {L}ake {C}had region, giving a basis for developing future climate adaptation strategies.}, keywords = {{TCHAD} {LAC} ; {ZONE} {SAHELIENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cientific {R}eports - {N}ature}, volume = {10}, numero = {1}, pages = {5498 [10 ]}, ISSN = {2045-2322}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1038/s41598-020-62417-w}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079670}, }