@article{fdi:010079584, title = {{D}evelopment and evaluation of a disposable solid-state culture packed-bed bioreactor for the production of conidia from {T}richoderma asperellum grown under water stress}, author = {{M}aiga, {Y}. and {C}arbou{\'e}, {Q}. and {H}amrouni, {R}. and {T}ranier, {M}. {S}. and {B}en {M}enadi, {Y}. and {R}oussos, {S}evastianos}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} new prototype of a disposable solid-state culture bioreactor ({DSSCB}) belonging to the packed-bed category is developed for the production of fungal conidia. {T}he bioreactor has the advantages of being autoclavable, lightweight and disposable. {W}ith a working volume of 39.52 {L}, it can be used for large-scale production of fungal conidia. {T}he {DSSCB} was successfully tested under forced aeration for the production of conidia (2.1 x 10(10)/g dry substrate in 140 h) from {T}richoderma asperellum, a biocontrol fungus. {A} mixture of sugarcane bagasse, wheat bran, olive pomace, potato flakes and vine shoots was used as substrate. {T}he {DSSCB} allowed an overall production of 1.26 x 10(14) conidia. {B}ased on its configuration, the fermented substrate can be easily transported and used in either solid or liquid form, for biocontrol application. {T}his is a significant advance in the field of biomass production in solid-state culture as problems associated with the decontamination of the bioreactor prior to its reuse can be avoided. {T}he study demonstrated that the {DSSCB} is suitable for the production of conidia using {T}. asperellum. [{GRAPHICS}] .}, keywords = {{C}onidia ; {S}olid-state culture ; {T}richoderma asperellum ; {W}ater stress}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{W}aste and {B}iomass {V}alorization}, volume = {12}, numero = {6}, pages = {3223--3231}, ISSN = {1877-2641}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1007/s12649-020-01210-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079584}, }