@article{fdi:010079562, title = {{S}tatistical approach to evaluate effect of temperature and moisture content on the production of antioxidant naphtho-gamma-pyrones and hydroxycinnamic acids by {A}spergillus tubingensis in solid-state fermentation}, author = {{C}arboue, {Q}. and {R}ebufa, {C}. and {H}amrouni, {R}. and {R}oussos, {S}evastianos and {B}ombarda, {I}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{N}on-ochratoxigenic{A}spergillus tubingensis{G}131 is a filamentous fungus that can produce naphtho-gamma-pyrones ({N} gamma {P}s), polyketide pigments that exhibit interesting antioxidant properties. {T}his study aims to investigate the effect of two critical parameters, temperature and moisture content on the fungus grown in solid-state fermentation using agricultural by-products (vine shoots and wheat bran) as sole medium. {F}rom the kinetic productions of secondary metabolites {N} gamma {P}s (asperpyrone {E}, dianhydroaurasperone {C}, fonsecin, fonsecin {B} and ustilaginoidin {A}), alkaloids (nigragilin and aspernigrin {A}), degradation products from the solid medium (beta-d-glucose,p-coumaric acid andtrans-ethyl ferulate), ergosterol and conidia obtained for different temperatures and moisture contents, a principal component analysis ({PCA}) was carried out to highlight the production patterns of these compounds. {T}his approach allowed us to determine that fonsecin, the compound of higher interest-exhibiting the most interesting antiradical potential-is particularly more produced at 25 degrees {C} and 66% of moisture content. {T}his study underlines the importance of temperature and moisture content on naphtho-gamma-pyrones and hydroxycinnamic acid production using solid-state fermentation and contributes to the development of agroindustrial by-product valorization.}, keywords = {{S}olid-state fermentation ; {A}spergillus tubingensis ; {N}aphtho-gamma-pyrones ; {H}ydroxycinnamic acids ; {P}rincipal component analysis ; {V}ine shoots}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}ioprocess and {B}iosystems {E}ngineering}, volume = {43}, numero = {12}, pages = {2283--2294}, ISSN = {1615-7591}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1007/s00449-020-02413-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079562}, }