@article{fdi:010079530, title = {{A}quaculture at the crossroads of global warming and antimicrobial resistance}, author = {{R}everter, {M}. and {S}arter, {S}. and {C}aruso, {D}omenico and {A}varre, {J}ean-{C}hristophe and {C}ombe, {M}arine and {P}epey, {E}. and {P}ouyaud, {L}aurent and {V}ega-{H}eredia, {S}. and de {V}erdal, {H}. and {G}ozlan, {R}odolphe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n many developing countries, aquaculture is key to ensuring food security for millions of people. {I}t is thus important to measure the full implications of environmental changes on the sustainability of aquaculture. {W}e conduct a double meta-analysis (460 articles) to explore how global warming and antimicrobial resistance ({AMR}) impact aquaculture. {W}e calculate a {M}ulti-{A}ntibiotic {R}esistance index ({MAR}) of aquaculture-related bacteria (11,274 isolates) for 40 countries, of which mostly low- and middle-income countries present high {AMR} levels. {H}ere we show that aquaculture {MAR} indices correlate with {MAR} indices from human clinical bacteria, temperature and countries' climate vulnerability. {W}e also find that infected aquatic animals present higher mortalities at warmer temperatures. {C}ountries most vulnerable to climate change will probably face the highest {AMR} risks, impacting human health beyond the aquaculture sector, highlighting the need for urgent action. {S}ustainable solutions to minimise antibiotic use and increase system resilience are therefore needed. {G}lobal environmental changes threaten many food-producing sectors, including aquaculture. {H}ere the authors show that countries most vulnerable to climate change will probably face the highest antimicrobial resistance in aquaculture-related bacteria, and that infected aquatic animals have higher mortality at warmer temperatures.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}ature {C}ommunications}, volume = {11}, numero = {1}, pages = {1870 [8 ]}, ISSN = {2041-1723}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1038/s41467-020-15735-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079530}, }