@article{fdi:010079513, title = {{R}ecenser et {\'e}valuer les pratiques agricoles qui stockent le carbone des sols, premier pas vers une agriculture {\`a} faible impact en {G}uyane}, author = {{C}ourte, {A}mandine and {C}ialdella, {N}. and {M}uller, {A}. and {B}lanfort, {V}. and {B}ochu, {J}. {L}. and {B}rossard, {M}ichel}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{I}n {F}rench {G}uiana, the general environmental context and the growing need for energy and food products, linked to population growth, are responsible for increasing pressure on natural resources through land use changes. {L}ow impact practices are emerging in the aim of reconciling production and environmental objectives. {I}n {F}rench {G}uiana slash and burn practices are still used to increase agricultural area, and lead to a large loss of carbon. {A} field survey was carried out in order to understand the place of soil in farmers' choices, and to obtain a description of production systems and practices, focusing on identifying those with low impact on carbon dynamics. {T}his step was realized through specific soil carbon stock measurements. {O}ur results show that the "soil object" is mastered by farmers in terms of physical properties, and organic matter is a recognized indicator which is used to inform spatial management of farming systems. {F}armers mobilizing low-impact practices have efficient production systems for their economic and environmental benefits.}, keywords = {agricultural system ; {A}mazonia ; small tropical agriculture ; {GUYANE} {FRANCAISE} ; {AMAZONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ahiers {A}gricultures}, volume = {29}, numero = {}, pages = {21 [9 ]}, ISSN = {1166-7699}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1051/cagri/2020019}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079513}, }