@article{fdi:010079457, title = {{H}indcasting the 2017 dispersal of {S}argassum algae in the {T}ropical {N}orth {A}tlantic}, author = {{B}erline, {L}. and {O}dy, {A}nouck and {J}ouanno, {J}ulien and {C}hevalier, {C}rist{\`e}le and {A}ndr{\'e}, {J}ean-{M}ichel and {T}hibaut, {T}. and {M}{\'e}nard, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}ince 2011, huge amounts of {S}argassum algae are detected in the equatorial {A}tlantic, causing large strandings events on the coasts of the {W}est {I}ndies, {B}razil and {W}est {A}frica. {T}he distribution of this stock shows strong annual and interannual variability, whose drivers are not settled yet. {H}ere we use satellite {S}argassum observations from {MODIS} and currents from an ocean reanalysis to simulate the passive transport of algae in 2017. {W}ind effect was necessary to fit the observed distribution. {S}imulations reasonably reproduce the satellite monthly distribution for up to seven months, confirming the prominent role of transport in the distribution cycle. {A}nnual cycle appears as a zonal exchange between eastern ({EAR}) and western accumulation regions ({WAR}). {EAR} is well explained by advection alone, with sharp meridional distribution controlled by converging currents below the inter-tropical {C}onvergence {Z}one. {I}nstead, {WAR} is not explained by advection alone, suggesting local growth.}, keywords = {{L}agrangian transport ; {F}orecast ; {A}ggregation ; {D}istribution ; {A}nnual cycle ; {MODIS} ; {AFAI} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE} ; {ZONE} {EQUATORIALE} ; {ATLANTIQUE} {NORD}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {P}ollution {B}ulletin}, volume = {158}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 111431 [13]}, ISSN = {0025-326{X}}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111431}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079457}, }