@article{fdi:010079414, title = {{E}valuation and calibration of alternative methods for estimating reference evapotranspiration in the {S}enegal {R}iver {B}asin}, author = {{N}diaye, {P}. {M}. and {B}odian, {A}. and {D}iop, {L}. and {D}eme, {A}. and {D}ezetter, {A}lain and {D}jaman, {K}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}eference evapotranspiration ({ET}0) is a key element of the water cycle in tropical areas for the planning and management of water resources, hydrological modeling, and irrigation management. {T}he objective of this research is to assess twenty methods in computing {ET}0 in the {S}enegal {R}iver {B}asin and to calibrate and validate the best methods that integrate fewer climate variables. {T}he performance of alternative methods compared to the {P}enman {M}onteith ({FAO}56-{PM}) model is evaluated using the coefficient of determination ({R}-2), normalized root mean square error ({NRMSE}), percentage of bias ({PBIAS}), and the {K}ling-{G}upta {E}fficiency ({KGE}). {T}he most robust methods integrating fewer climate variables were calibrated and validated and the results show that {T}rabert, {V}aliantzas 2, {V}aliantzas 3, and {H}argreaves and {S}amani models are, respectively, the most robust for {ET}0 estimation. {T}he calibration improves the estimates of reference evapotranspiration compared to original models. {I}t improved the performance of these models with an increase in {KGE} values of 45%, 32%, 29%, and 19% for {T}rabert, {V}aliantzas 2, {V}aliantzas 3, and {H}argreaves and {S}amani models, respectively. {F}rom a spatial point of view, the calibrated models of {T}rabert and {V}aliantzas 2 are robust in all the climatic zones of the {S}enegal {R}iver {B}asin, whereas, those of {V}aliantzas 3 and {H}argreaves and {S}amani are more efficient in the {G}uinean zone. {T}his study provides information on the choice of a model for estimating evapotranspiration in the {S}enegal {R}iver {B}asin.}, keywords = {reference evapotranspiration ; {FAO}56-{PM} ; alternative methods ; calibration/validation ; {S}enegal {R}iver basin ; {SENEGAL} {FLEUVE} {BASSIN} ; {ZONE} {SAHELIENNE} ; {ZONE} {SOUDANIENNE} ; {ZONE} {GUINEENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ydrology}, volume = {7}, numero = {2}, pages = {art. 24 [15 p.]}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.3390/hydrology7020024}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079414}, }