@article{fdi:010079319, title = {{S}patial and interannual variability of presettlement tropical fish assemblages explained by remote sensing oceanic conditions}, author = {{J}aonalison, {H}. and {D}urand, {J}ean-{D}ominique and {M}ahafina, {J}. and {D}emarcq, {H}erv{\'e} and {L}agarde, {R}. and {P}onton, {D}ominique}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{U}nderstanding the interannual effect of various environmental factors on biodiversity distribution is fundamental for developing biological monitoring tools. {T}he interannual variability of environmental factors on presettlement fish assemblages ({PFA}s) has been so far under investigated, especially in {M}adagascar. {N}umerous explanatory variables including local hydro-dynamic conditions recorded during the sampling night, characteristics of the benthic substrate and remotely sensed oceanic conditions ({RSOC}) were used to explain the spatio-temporal variability of {PFA}s in southwestern {M}adagascar. {G}radient forest analyses were used to hierarchically classify the effect of these explanatory variables on the {PFA}s for two sites and during two different recruitment seasons. {RSOC} variables appeared to better explain the {PFA}s than the local variable and the characteristics of the benthic substrate. {T}he {PFA}s caught in water masses with coastal characteristics were better explained than those with open water characteristics. {T}his spatial variability is hypothesised to be linked to differences in feeding conditions among water masses. {T}he gradient forest analyses also highlighted the complexity of predicting {PFA}s as the species for which abundances were better explained by {RSOC} variables varied between years. {T}his interannual variability was mainly explained by the interannual variation of chlorophylla({C}hl a) concentration, wind and surface current, with better prediction obtained during the year with high {C}hl a values associated with high averaged sea surface temperature. {T}hese findings suggest the importance of forecasting {C}hl a concentrations, taking into account the impact of tropical storms and climate variability in order to predict {PFA}s in the future.}, keywords = {{F}ish post-larvae ; {DNA} barcoding ; {S}tructure ; {E}nvironmental conditions ; {H}ierarchical classification ; {G}radient forest ; {MADAGASCAR} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN} ; {TULEAR} ; {ANAKAO} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {B}iodiversity}, volume = {50}, numero = {4}, pages = {art. 52 [15p.]}, ISSN = {1867-1616}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1007/s12526-020-01068-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079319}, }