@article{fdi:010079229, title = {{I}ncreased prevalence of neurocognitive impairment in aging people living with human immunodeficiency virus : the anrs ep58 hand 55-70 study}, author = {{M}akinson, {A}. and {D}ubois, {J}. and {E}ymard-{D}uvernay, {S}abrina and {L}eclercq, {P}. and {Z}aegel-{F}aucher, {O}. and {B}ernard, {L}. and {V}assallo, {M}. and {B}arbuat, {C}. and {G}{\'e}ny, {C}. and {T}houvenot, {E}. and {C}ostagliola, {D}. and {O}zguler, {A}. and {Z}ins, {M}. and {S}imony, {M}. and {R}eynes, {J}. and {B}err, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground.{T}here are limited data on the comparative prevalence of neurocognitive impairment ({NCI}) in aging people living with human immunodeficiency virus ({PLHIV}) and people not living with {HIV}. {M}ethods.{T}his was a cross-sectional study of {PLHIV} randomly matched by age (±4 years), gender, and education with 5 {HIV}-uninfected individuals from the {CONSTANCES} cohort. {PLHIV} were fluent in {F}rench and sequentially included during routine outpatient visits if aged 55-70 years, with {HIV} viral load <50 copies/m{L}, and lymphocyte {T}-{CD}4 level >-200 cells/u{L} in the past 24 and 12 months, respectively. {T}he primary outcome was {NCI} as defined by the {F}rascati criteria. {M}ultivariate normative comparison ({MNC}) and -1.5 standard deviations in >-2 neurocognitive domains were secondary outcomes of {NCI}. {R}esults.{T}wo hundred {PLHIV} were matched with 1000 controls. {M}edian age was 62 years, and 85% were men. {I}n {PLHIV}, the median {T}-{CD}4 lymphocyte level was 650 cells/u{L}, and median nadir {T}-{CD}4 lymphocyte level was 176 cells/u{L}. {NCI} was found in 71 (35.5%) {PLHIV} and in 242 (24.2%) controls (odds ratio [{OR}], 1.74; 95% confidence interval [{CI}], 1.25, 2.41). {A}fter adjusting for confounders, {HIV} remained significantly associated with {NCI} ({OR}, 1.50; 95% {CI}, 1.04, 2.16). {A}djusted results were similar with {NCI} defined by {MNC} ({ORMNC}, 2.95; 95% {CI}, 1.13, 3.50) or -1.5 {SD} ({OR}-1.5, 2.24; 95% {CI}, 1.39, 3.62). {C}onclusions.{I}n this matched study of aging individuals, {HIV} was significantly associated with an increased risk of {NCI} after adjusting for major confounders. {R}esults were confirmed with more stringent {NCI} classifications.}, keywords = {{FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}linical {I}nfectious {D}iseases}, volume = {70}, numero = {12}, pages = {2641--2648}, ISSN = {1058-4838}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1093/cid/ciz670}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079229}, }