@article{fdi:010078941, title = {{I}mpact of environmental variability on {P}inctada margaritifera life-history traits : a full life cycle deb modeling approach}, author = {{S}angare, {N}. and {L}o-{Y}at, {A}. and {L}e {M}oullac, {G}. and {P}ecquerie, {L}aure and {T}homas, {Y}oann and {L}efebvre, {S}. and {L}e {G}endre, {R}. and {B}eliaeff, {B}. and {A}ndr{\'e}fou{\¨e}t, {S}erge}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he black-lipped pearl oyster ({P}inctada margaritifera) is extensively farmed in {F}rench {P}olynesia to produce black pearls. {F}or a sustainable management of marine resources, studying interactions between organisms and environment, and the associated factors and processes that will impact their life cycle and thus modulate population dynamics is a major research priority. {H}ere, we describe black-lipped pearl oyster energy acquisition and use, and its control by temperature and food concentration within the {D}ynamic {E}nergy {B}udget ({DEB}) theory framework. {T}he model parametrization was based on literature data and a specific laboratory experiment. {M}odel validation was carried out thanks to historical in-situ datasets and a dedicated field survey. {T}hree theoretical environmental scenarios were built to investigate the response of the pearl oyster to environmental variations. {W}e successfully modeled a wide range of life-stage-specific traits and processes, especially the delayed acceleration of growth after settlement. {A}pplying the model on field data collected at three different culture sites required only one free-fitted parameter, the half saturation coefficient {X}-k, which controls how ingestion depends on food density. {X}-k integrates all variations linked to the trophic environment. {A}nalysis of the kinetics of energy fluxes under theoretical environmental scenarios suggests that temperature variations induce seasonality of reproduction in a species thought to spawn opportunistically throughout the whole year. {T}he major influence of food concentration fluctuations on growth rate and reproductive effort is highlighted. {T}he model showed the lower performances associated with recovery time between food-rich and starvation periods. {T}he implications of these findings in the context of black pearl farming in a changing environment are discussed.}, keywords = {{B}ivalve ; {P}hysiology ; {B}ioenergetics ; {D}ynamic energy budget theory ; {E}nvironmental change ; {P}earl farming ; {POLYNESIE} {FRANCAISE} ; {TUAMOTU} {ARCHIPEL} ; {AHE} ; {TAKAPOTO} ; {GAMBIER}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cological {M}odelling}, volume = {423}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 109006 [14 p.]}, ISSN = {0304-3800}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2020.109006}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078941}, }