@article{fdi:010078911, title = {{D}etection of specific antibodies against {T}oscana {V}irus among blood donors in {N}ortheastern {I}taly and correlation with sand fly abundance in 2014}, author = {{M}orini, {S}. and {C}alzolari, {M}. and {R}ossini, {G}. and {P}ascarelli, {N}. and {P}orcellini, {A}. and {R}andi, {V}. and {R}e, {M}. {C}. and {A}lbieri, {A}. and {B}onilauri, {P}. and {B}ellini, {R}. and {A}yhan, {N}azli and {C}harrel, {R}. and {V}arani, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}oscana virus ({TOSV}) is a {P}hlebovirus transmitted by phlebotomine sand flies and is an important etiological agent of summer meningitis in the {M}editerranean basin. {S}ince {TOSV} infection is often asymptomatic, we evaluated the seroprevalence in blood donors ({BD}s) in the {B}ologna and {F}errara provinces ({N}ortheastern {I}taly)-the areas with the highest and lowest numbers of {TOSV} neuroinvasive cases in the region, respectively. {A} total of 1208 serum samples from {BD}s were collected in {A}pril {J}une 2014 and evaluated for the presence of specific {TOSV}-{I}g{G} by {ELISA}. {T}he {I}g{G}-reactive samples were confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence assay ({IIF}) and by microneutralization test ({MN}). {S}erum samples were defined as positive for anti-{TOSV} {I}g{G} when reactive by {ELISA} and by at least one second-level test; {TOSV} seroprevalence was 6.8% in the {B}ologna province, while no circulation of {TOSV} was detected in the {F}errara province. {S}and fly abundance in 2014 was also estimated by a geographic information system using a generalized linear model applied to a series of explanatory variables. {TOSV} seroprevalence rate was strongly associated with the sand fly abundance index in each municipality, pointing out the strong association between sand fly abundance and human exposure to {TOSV}.}, keywords = {{T}oscana virus ; viral meningitis ; seroprevalence ; arbovirus ; sand fly ; {P}hlebotomus spp. ; neutralization ; {ITALIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}icroorganisms}, volume = {8}, numero = {2}, pages = {art. 145 [10 p.]}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.3390/microorganisms8020145}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078911}, }