@article{fdi:010078724, title = {{D}ugong ({D}ugong dugon) movements and habitat use in a coral reef lagoonal ecosystem}, author = {{C}leguer, {C}hristophe and {G}arrigue, {C}laire and {M}arsh, {H}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}ittle is known about how the {V}ulnerable dugong {D}ugong dugon uses coral reef lagoons despite the importance of these habitats throughout much of its vast range. {W}e used {GPS} satellite tracking systems to explore the space use of 12 dugongs at 3 locations in the coral reef lagoons of the main island of {N}ew {C}aledonia in the southwest {P}acific: {C}ap {G}oulvain, {O}uano and {N}oum{\'e}a. {T}he movements of the tracked dugongs varied among individuals and all except one animal undertook large-scale movements (>15 km; mean [±{SE}] 37.7 ± 5.2 km) from their capture location (maximum waterway distance range: 13.8 to 72.9 km). {T}he straight-line distances between the furthest {GPS} locations during each animal's tracking period ranged from 21.3 to 74.5 km. {W}e identified areas used intensively by dugongs in all 3 study areas, some of which were areas where seagrass presence has not been verified, or where dugongs have not been observed during past aerial surveys. {D}ugongs spent most of their tracking time within the lagoons, with 99.4% of {GPS} locations found inside the barrier reef. {N}onetheless, where the lagoon was narrow and confined, 3 tracked dugongs used the fore reef shelf outside the barrier reef in the open ocean to commute between bays. {O}ur findings can inform conservation and management initiatives in {N}ew {C}aledonia as well as other countries within the dugong's range which have similar habitat geomorphology but where dugongs occur in numbers too low to be tracked and are considered {C}ritically {E}ndangered.}, keywords = {{CONSERVATION} {DE} {LA} {NATURE} ; {MAMMIFERE} {MARIN} ; {LAGON} ; {RECIF} {CORALLIEN} ; {HABITAT} ; {DEPLACEMENT} ; {DUGONG} ; {GPS}.{SYSTEME} {DE} {POSITIONNEMENT} {GLOBAL} ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE} ; {PACIFIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}ndangered {S}pecies {R}esearch}, volume = {43}, numero = {}, pages = {167--181}, ISSN = {1863-5407}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.3354/esr01061}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078724}, }