@article{fdi:010078681, title = {{N}ovel insights into the hyperaccumulation syndrome in {P}ycnandra ({S}apotaceae)}, author = {{I}snard, {S}andrine and {L}'{H}uillier, {L}. and {P}aul, {A}.{L}.{D}. and {M}unzinger, {J}{\'e}r{\^o}me and {F}ogliani, {B}. and {E}chevarria, {G}. and {E}rskine, {P}.{D}. and {G}ei, {V}. and {J}affr{\'e}, {T}anguy and van der {E}nt, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he discovery of nickel hyperaccumulation, in {P}ycnandra acuminata, was the start of a global quest in this fascinating phenomenon. {D}espite recent advances in the physiology and molecular genetics of hyperaccumulation, the mechanisms and tolerance of {N}i accumulation in the most extreme example reported to date, {P}. acuminata, remains enigmatic. {W}e conducted a hydroponic experiment to establish {N}i tolerance levels and translocation patterns in roots and shoots of {P}. acuminata, and analyzed elemental partitioning to gain insights into {N}i regulation. {W}e combined a phylogeny and foliar {N}i concentrations to assess the incidence of hyperaccumulation within the genus {P}ycnandra. {H}ydroponic dosing experiments revealed that {P}. acuminata can resist extreme {N}i concentrations in solution (up to 3,000 µ{M}), and dosing at 100 µ{M} {N}i was beneficial to growth. {A}ll plant parts were highly enriched in {N}i, but the latex had extreme {N}i concentrations (124,000 µg g−1). {H}yperaccumulation evolved independently in only two subgenera and five species of the genus {P}ycnandra. {T}he extremely high level of {N}i tolerance is posited to derive from the unique properties of laticifers. {T}he evolutionary and ecological significance of {N}i hyperaccumulation in {P}ycnandra is discussed in light of these findings. {W}e suggest that {N}i-rich laticifers might be more widespread in the plant kingdom and that more investigation is warranted.}, keywords = {{NICKEL} ; {TOLERANCE} ; {PLANTE} {A} {LATEX} ; {EXPERIMENTATION} ; {HYPERACCUMULATION} ; {HYDROPONIE} ; {SPECTROSCOPIE} {DE} {FLUORESCENCE} {DES} {RAYONS} {X} ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {P}lant {S}cience}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 559059 [14 p.]}, ISSN = {1664-462{X}}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.3389/fpls.2020.559059}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078681}, }