@article{fdi:010078647, title = {{D}iversity, ecology and ethnobotany of the palms of the {Y}asuni national park ({E}cuador)}, author = {{M}ontufar, {R}. and {C}ouvreur, {T}homas and {E}spinosa, {S}. and {E}scobar, {S}. and {T}ranbarger, {T}imothy}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}esearch and conservation of palm species relies on training new generations of palm biologists, especially in tropical countries. {S}uch trainings pave the way to answer new questions related to palm biology, sustainable management, the cultural and economic links between humans and palms, and build conservation strategies through education and civil empowerment.}, keywords = {{PARC} {NATIONAL} ; {CONSERVATION} {DE} {LA} {NATURE} ; {ETHNOBOTANIQUE} ; {DIVERSITE} {SPECIFIQUE} ; {COMMUNAUTE} {AMERINDIENNE} ; {ENSEIGNEMENT} ; {PALMIER} ; {EQUATEUR} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE} ; {AMAZONIE} ; {YASUNI} {PARC} {NATIONAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}alms}, volume = {63}, numero = {1}, pages = {11--22}, year = {2019}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078647}, }