@book{fdi:010078635, title = {{T}he determinants of trust : evidence from rural {S}outh {I}ndia}, author = {{H}ilger, {A}. and {N}ordman, {C}hristophe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}rust and participation in social networks are inherently interrelated. {W}e make use of {I}ndia's demonetization policy, an unexpected and unforeseeable exogenous variation, to causally identify the effect of social networks in determining trust. {W}e use first-hand quantitative and qualitative data from rural {S}outh {I}ndia and control for individual characteristics (personality traits, cognitive ability) that could influence network formation and trust, finding that social interactions have a significant effect on trust among men, as well as across castes. {A}mong lower castes, who live in homogeneous neighborhoods and relied on neighbors and employers to cope, extending one's network lowers trust in neighbors. {A}mong middle castes, who live in more heterogeneous neighborhoods and relied predominantly on other caste members, a larger network size leads to greater trust placed in kin among employees but lesser in neighbors. {T}his paper thus shows that social interactions can foster trust and highlights the importance of clearly defining in- and out-groups in trust measures within highly segregated societies.}, keywords = {{MACROECONOMIE} ; {MONNAIE} ; {ORGANISATION} {SOCIALE} ; {SOCIOLOGIE} {RURALE} ; {RAPPORTS} {SOCIAUX} ; {CASTE} ; {INDICATEUR} {SOCIOECONOMIQUE} ; {ANALYSE} {STATISTIQUE} ; {DEMONETARISATION} ; {RESEAU} {SOCIAL} ; {INDE} ; {TAMIL} {NADU}}, address = {{B}onn}, publisher = {{IZA}}, series = {{D}iscussion {P}aper - {IZA}}, pages = {52}, year = {2020}, ISSN = {2365-9793}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078635}, }